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Usertesen kings, photographed 1900-1920.
Usertesen kings, photographed 1900-1920.

Usertesen, as a familial name of ancient Egyptian kings, today is generally regarded to mean the familial name of "Senusret," a family of three generations of ancient Egyptian kings in the Twelfth dynasty of Egypt.

However, usage of the familial name of "Usertesen" also sometimes equates with "Sesostris" (see for example, Pharao: (1) The Pharao of Abraham).

More confusion arises, because ancient Egyptian historian Manetho in the 3rd century BC repeatedly used both the names "Usertesen" and "Sesostris" to mean specifically only the second ancient Egyptian king in the Senusret family, Senusret II (ref. Sesostris).

And finally, even greater confusion arises when one considers that the only evidence we possess today of the existence of all three statues, of ancient Egyptian kings, that possibly once bore this familial name engraved upon them is the photograph at right, taken in the early 1900s.