Template talk:US-airport-mil

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[edit] Usage

This template is suitable for U.S. military airports.

To use this on an airport page, simply add the following under the "External links" section of the airport:


Substitute the XXX with the IATA code for the airport (which is typically a 3-letter code). Note that this template assumes that you can prepend "K" to the IATA code to derive the 4-letter ICAO code, so this template is not appropriate for airports that do not follow that rule or do not have an ICAO code.

[edit] Example

[edit] See also


  • Use this for airports that have scheduled flights. It includes an "FAA Delays" link that does not work for U.S. military airports.


  • Use this for general aviation airports that have no scheduled flights. At this time it contains the same links as the above template, but that is subject to change.


  • Use this for airports that do not have an ICAO code which generally includes minor general aviation airports.