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When trying prove the existence of User:Urukagina we are confronted with several important facts:

          a) Because of the "Anti-Hossuean" gravitational field mentioned in the previous chapter, it is extremely hard to maintain insturments near an Urukagina, let alone actually study one. So far researchers have collected all their data through long-range examination, often using devices which can sense ultraviolet radiation.
          b) Urukaginas migrate east every November to their nesting grounds in the sea of crisis.
          c) When taken without food, Urukaginas can cause diziness, headaches, and internal bleeding.
          d) The Urukagina was formed in 1738, and, like most people of that time period, its original members did not often engage in such modern hygenic customs as tooth-brushing and deodorant-application. The introdiction of these particular procedures lead to the development of several highly stylized rituals, including the infamous "ocular salt bean".
          e) The existence of the User:Urukagina is still not recognized by the BBC.

Goodnight, sir.