Ursus of Aosta

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Saint Ursus of Aosta
Died 6th century in Aosta
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Major shrine Sant' Orso, Aosta
Feast February 1; sometimes June 17
Attributes archdeacon with a staff and book, bearing birds on his shoulder; wearing fur pelisse in a religious habit; striking water from a rock; or giving shoes to the poor.
Patronage Ivrea; invoked in childbirth; children who die before baptism; invoked against faintness, kidney disease, and rheumatism
Saints Portal

Saint Ursus (Orso, Ours) of Aosta is an Italian saint of the 6th century. His feast day is February 1 (June 17 in some areas). The collegiate church of Sant' Orso in Aosta is dedicated to him.

Said to have been of Irish origin, he evangelized the region of Digne. An opponent of Arianism, he served as archdeacon to Jucundus (Giocondo), bishop of Aosta. When Plocean, an Arian, became bishop of Aosta, Ursus and several other canons left the cathedral of Aosta and established themselves at the present site of Sant' Orso.

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