Upward Bound
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Upward Bound is a program of the United States Department of Education, the goal of which is to give high school students who are in categories that make them less likely to attend college (such as low income, parents who didn't attend college, and living in rural areas) the tools they need to get into, pay for, and succeed in college.
Most Upward Bound programs combine two elements:
- a summer program where high school students take college prep classes and earn work experience at a college campus for six weeks
- weekly followup with students during the school year.
Most who have been closely involved with Upward Bound programs would agree that this program has helped thousands of students who would otherwise not make it to college attain their full potential as students. A study released by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) in 2004 entitled A Profile of the Upward Bound Program: 2000-2001 provides a detailed analysis of program demographics.
The program was launched in the year 1965, with an annual budget of circa $250,000,000. Awards are usually made to institutes of higher education (universities), but some awards have been made to other non-profit organizations such as tribal organizations. Each award made averages $4,691 per participant, with the most common award providing $220,000 per grantee in 2004. Awards are for four or five years and are competitive. The law providing for Upward Bound is 34 CFR Ch. VI Pt. 645. As federal education grants, Upward Bound awards fall under EDGAR and OMB Circular A-21 financial guidelines. Upward Bound grants are results-based, with the level of success determined largely from highly-structured annual reports compared to grant objectives.
There are three divisions of Upward Bound:
- Upward Bound Classic for high school students
- Veteran's Upward Bound for U.S. military veterans
- Upward Bound Math and Science organized as regional centers for supporting these areas of study among high school students.
Upward Bound is part of the Federal TRIO Programs, which include Upward Bound, Veteran's Upward Bound, Talent Search, Student Support Services, Ronald McNair Post-Baccalaureate Program, and Upward Bound Math and Science.
Upward Bounds:
- AACE Upward Bound
- USF Upward Bound
- NY Upward Bound
- Luther College Upward Bound