Unwind Center

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The Unwind Center is an institute that seeks to promote rock music in India. It was established in 1999 and is based in Chennai. It is noted for organizing the June Rock Out, which attracts rock groups from around the country, and also for establishing a School of Music. The self-described philosophy of the Unwind Center is to encourage musical talent without sex, drugs or alcohol.

The Unwind Center is a non profit institution located in Chennai, India. It has two branches, one on Kilpauk Garden Road, Kilpauk, the other in Gandhi Nagar, Adyar. The Unwind Center aims at promoting music among the Indian community by organising shows by local up-coming musicians on a small scale. They have recently opened a branch in another Indian city, Bangalore. The Unwind Center promotes "clean" music, in a non-alcoholic, non-smoking, no drugs environment. Every year, the annual rock event June Rock Out takes place, which showcases some of the country's rising prospects along with a few internationally recognised bands.

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