Unravelled Broken Orchestra

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Unravelled Broken Orchestra is an avant garde ensemble based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. With a core of regular players (Christopher Friesen, Terence Fuller, Jaret McNabb, Fletcher Pratt, Robert Turnbull) and an open door policy to others, they create unique soundscapes that are equally inspired by Miles Davis and Sonic Youth. Their debut cd Centre of the Universe in Reverse was independently released late 2005.

[edit] Ensemble Members

  • Joshua Ayers - drums. also performs with Filament, Funk Dubois. Pope's Daughter
  • Corey Biluk - drums.
  • Darcy Bunio - guitar. also performs with Head Hits Concrete and Prague.
  • Alexander Campbell - didgeridoo. also performs with Funk Dubois
  • Kevin Chubey - spoken word.
  • Robert Dickson - electronics. also performs with Nagasaki
  • Breanna Duffill - percussion.
  • Brendan Ehinger - keyboard. also performed with Vagiants
  • David Fort - percussion. also performs with Absent Sound
  • Christopher Friesen - bass, keyboard, percussion, vocals, balloon.
  • Terence Fuller - bass, drum machine, found percussion, balloon, 4-track. also performs with Gone, Repulsive Bile, Skeletonne
  • Eric Gallipo - guitar, keyboard, trumpet. myspace link
  • Doreen Girard - cello.
  • D'alton Hindle - guitar, trombone, gadgets.
  • Cameron Johnson - gadgets, found percussion, sampler, mixer, balloon. also performs with This Camera is Red
  • Samuel Koulack - drums, guitar, found percussion, balloon.
  • Ian Larue - guitar. also performs with At Sea
  • Daniel Layman - electronics. also performs with Nagasaki
  • Kevin Maclean - keyboards, trombone.
  • Kris Manikum - electronics.
  • Steven Martens - drums. also performs with The Idjits
  • Jaret McNabb - bass, guitar, keyboard, balloon, recording. also performs with The Paperbacks
  • Robert Menard - drums. also performs with Absent Sound
  • Stephane Oystryk - guitar, balloon. also performs with ...and then nothing
  • Fletcher Pratt - guitar, microphone, gadgets, balloon, recording.
  • Robert Ross - saxophone.
  • Sarah Sangster - guitar. also performs with Anthem Red
  • Tyler Shipley - banjo, spoken word. also performs with The Consumer Goods
  • David Sweatman - percussion. also performs with Sortie Real
  • Robert Turnbull - guitar. also performs with Funk Dubois, Pope's Daughter

[Category:Canadian musical groups]]