University of the West of England CEMS
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[edit] The Faculty of Computing Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
UWE CEMS Faculty UWE CEMS of the University of the West of England [1] UWE Wiki. UWE is a member of the Association of Aerospace Universities AAU
UWE CEMS Courses UWE CEMS Undergraduate courses
The Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences has a mission to engage in research which is of direct relevance to industry, society and the environment. Research in the Faculty covers a wide range of subjects within the fields of mechanical, manufacturing and electrical engineering, computer science and computer systems, information systems and mathematics, statistics and operational research. Projects take place at local, national and international levels, enabled by the size and disciplinary diversity of the Faculty.
The Faculty encourages its staff to engage in research, and the majority of full-time academics do so. Many research projects are undertaken in collaboration with industrial partners and attract significant grants and contracts from a range of sources. These include the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) and other Government agencies, the European Union (EU) and directly through industry. Projects cover the full range from grant funded "blue-skies" research to purely developmental industry contracts and consultancies. In many cases applied work is underpinned by fundamental research carried out in the Faculty.
Much of the research is carried out in the faculty takes place in recognised Research Centres of which the Faculty currently has seven. In addition research is also carried out by more informal research groups and by individual researchers in the five faculty schools.
Research Centres
The Faculty of CEMS has a number of major well-established research centres with defined areas of interest.
Aerospace Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) - AMRC
Centre for Complex Cooperative Systems (CCCS)
Centre for Innovative Manufacture & Machine Vision System (CIMMS)
Community Information Systems Centre (CISC)
Engineering and Medicine Elastomers Research Centre (EMER)
Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory (IAS)
Aerospace Strategy Research Centre (ARC)
Research Groups
There is much research within the Faculty that supports and complements the activities of the research centres, and attracts funding and industrial support in its own right. The list of research groups is ever changing and expanding, testifying to the dynamic and evolving nature of research at CEMS. The Faculty values its close ties with industry and enjoys long standing collaborative relations with British Aerospace, Airbus, Rolls-Royce, Hewlett-Packard and the North Bristol NHS Trust, and has considerable success with government funded Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) programmes. CEMS has a strong and supportive research culture and a good track record of supervised programmes of research leading to higher degrees.
Current CEMS research and consultancy groups include:
Advanced Computation in Design and Decision-making Research Group (ACDDM)
Learning Classifier Systems Group
Artificial Intelligence Group (AIG)
Applied Mathematics Group (AMG)
Computational Mechanics Group
Power Systems and Electronics Research Group (PSERG)
Quality Systems Research Group (QSRG)
Structural Design Integrity Group (SDIG)
Unconventional Computing Group
Applied Statistics and Quantative Methods (ASQM)
System Modelling Research Group (SMRG) - SMRG
Systems Engineering Estimation and Decision Support - SEEDS
Applied Statistical Modelling Group
Biomodelling Group
The Computational Modelling Group
Medical Electronics
Sustainable Technologies
The Music and Audio Systems Research Group
VLSI Hardware / Software
Research is also conducted into speech and language therapy in the Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit (Unit Website) based at the Frenchay Hospital. The mission of this Unit is to improve the care and treatment of people with speech and language disorders by developing knowledge related to the prevention, treatment and social consequences of communication.