University of Siena

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University of Siena
Università degli Studi di Siena
Established 1240
Type State-supported
Rector Prof. Silvano Focardi
Students 20,000
Location Siena, Italy
Sports teams CUS Siena (
Affiliations Coimbra Group

The University of Siena (Italian: Università degli Studi di Siena, UNISI) in Siena, Tuscany, Italy is one of the older universities of Italy, founded in the 13th century, initially as a Studium. It currently has around 20,000 enrolled students, out of Siena's population of approximately 50,000, and is most renowned for its Law and Medicine schools.

The University for Foreigners Siena was formerly affiliated with the University of Siena, but is now a separate state university.


[edit] History

On the 26 December of 1240, the podestà of Siena Ildebrandino Cacciaconti signed a decree imposing a tax on those citizens who rented rooms to students in order to fund the incomes of the maestri of the Studium Senese. This is one of the very first examples of a Studium being financed by the city-state.

Its components consisted of a School of Law, a School of Grammar and a School of Medicine; the latter in particular would acquire a notable prestige in just a few years and numbered among its maestri Pietro Ispano, the illustrious physician and philosopher, personal doctor to Emperor Frederick II, who was elected pope in 1276 under the name of John XXI.

In 1252, Pope Innocent IV, in a show of support, granted the Studium’s faculty and students the privilege of tax exemption. In the years that followed, measures were drawn up by the city authorities to allocate resources and provide protection and assistance to all those who came to Siena in order to study.

The occasion to increase their prestige and attract a larger number of pupils and professors presented itself to the Studium in 1321, when one of the students of the Alma Mater of Bologna was accused of kidnapping a young woman and then sentenced to death by the magistrates of Bologna. A great protest was unleashed by the student body of the universitates against the local authority, partly at the instigation of the Law lecturer Guglielmo Tolomei, at which point Siena stepped in, and thanks to the generous funding provided by the municipality, the Studium Senese was prepared to accommodate the young men who were abandoning the Studium Bolongese en mass. The city of Siena realised that the University was a very important cultural and political hub, one that should be safeguarded.

Through its various strivings, whether it be appealing to illustrious educators, or convincing them to stay, Siena was finally promoted to the status of Studium Generale. It was officially recognised by Charles IV, under whose protection it was granted privileges and immunity, sheltering both docents and students against attacks from the magistracy.

Casa della Sapienza was later built as a centre combining classrooms and student housing whose fate went hand in hand with that of the Studium. It had been proposed by bishop Mormille in 1392 and was completed twenty years later with its first occupants taking up residence in 1416 at the price of fifty gold florins for room and board. Though the city by that time had lost much of its original splendour as the plague of 1348 had left its mark, intellectuals and scholars were still drawn to it from all over Europe.

Year in and year out the list of great maestri who taught at the Studium grew longer and longer, and it is thanks to the farsightedness of these professors that the great innovations of the age, like the printing press, made their way into the city.

After the fall of the Republic of Siena in 1555, the city authorities ask their conquerors, the Medici, to preserve the academy. Under Francesco and later Grand Duke Ferdinando, reforms were made with new statutes and new preogatives. The post of Rettore or Chancellor, elected by students and city magistrates, was also instituted.

Under Lorraine rule the academy managed to acquire the vast library of the illustrious economist Sallustio Bandini. But crisis was imminent. When the French occupied Tuscany they eliminated the Studium Senese in 1808 and the doors of the University were not opened again until after the restoration. The return of the Grand Duke coincided with the resumption of the University’s activities. During the Risorgimento, Sienese students organised groups which were openly patriotic. They publicly expressed their dissent and in April of 1848, three professors, one assistant and fifty-five students formed the Compagnia della Guardia Universitaria to participate in the battle of Curtatone and Montanara. The troop’s flag is still preserved in the Chancellor’s building. All of this passion for the new republic could not but trouble the Grand Duke and in the end he closed down the School of Medicine permitting only Law and Theology to continue.

The Sienese academy recovered from this unfortunate situation after 1859, thanks to initiatives by the city’s private enterprises and a series of legislative acknowledgements that boosted the reputation of the School of Pharmacy and that of Obstetrics (and consequently the School of Medicine itself) while the old hospital Santa Maria della Scala was transformed into General University Hospital. Some time later in 1880 , the Law Faculty established the Circolo Giuridico or Legal Circle, where issues pertaining to law studies were examined in depth through seminars and lectures.

In spite of the fervour, in 1892 the Minister of Public Education, Ferdinando Martini, launched a proposal aimed at suppressing the Sienese academy’s activities. Siena perceived this as a declaration of war and was backed immediately by a general tradesmen’s strike, the intervention of all of the town’s institutions and by a genuine uprising of the population – all of which induced to minister to withdraw the project. Having escaped this danger, the town went back to investing its resources in the university setting up new degrees and new faculties. Monte dei Paschi financed the construction of the biology department – a task which was then repeated one hundred years later – while the Italian academic world was in apprehension over repeated legal proposals, among which was the Minister of Public Education Guido Baccelli’s plan which sought to impose autonomous financing, thereby penalising the smaller academic institutions.

The 19th century witnessed the constant growth of the University of Siena, escalating from four hundred students between the wars to more than 20 thousand in the last few years.

In 1990 the Sienese academy celebrated its 750th anniversary. University Chancellors from all over Europe attended the November 7th inauguration of the academic year to pay tribute to an institution that had dedicated itself for more than seven centuries to the cultivation and diffusion of knowledge.

[edit] Notable students, alumni and faculty

[edit] Organization

These are the 9 faculties in which the university is divided into:

In Siena there are no borders delineating the world of the city and that of the university. The Anglo-Saxon model of "university" as a "city within a city," in some way detached from the community in which it stands, does not portray the situation here.

Siena’s campus is the city. The academy lives as an integral part of the urban fabric in both space and time. It has not been easy arriving at an equilibrium between city and university, 20 thousand students lived among the 50 thousand Sienese. Indeed, the history of Siena dates back a thousand years and its citizens are exceedingly proud of their traditions. A university, on the other hand is flurry of cultures and dialects, the hub of "hybridation," without which, as Gucciardini would put it, non havvi genio - there is no genius.

Recently, the University has given back many historical buildings to the city, which are being made into apartments or used by the contradas. At the same time, it is thanks to the intervention of the University that many buildings which risked falling into ruin were saved, making institutions of study out of a part of the city patrimony that might have otherwise been lost. The Faculties of Engineering and Literature, for example, have found space for their departments in the large rooms of what was once the San Niccolò Psychiatric Hospital. The same holds true for the transformation of the former Convent of Santa Chiara into the first collegiate residence in Italy, reserved for those working towards a European postgraduate degree.

This is why Siena is a "city campus" par excellence. Professors and students live "inside the city walls," and mingle in the same places as the Sienese.

Secular buildings, fascinating environments rich with history, subterranean spaces and crypts have become setting for modern laboratories and libraries; in this way one can breathe in the history of the city even while studying, looking something up in a book or doing research.

New university buildings have even been built in the city centre such as the one that houses the Faculty of Political Science and Law, whose architectural style blends with the secular surroundings creating a balance between preservation and innovation.

The ten university dormitories are wholly adapted to the urban fabric and are located within the historical centre (Fontebranda, Porrione, Sperandie, San Marco), on the outskirts (Acquacalda) and near the extended areas of the university (San Miniato).

While the equilibrium is delicate, it is still charged with potential. Studying in Siena does not mean choosing a university town that is just like any other. Here one does not only attend the university, one lives the city. Its very substance lies in having been a natural "city campus" for centuries.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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