Universities in the United States

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In the United States, the term "university" refers to institutions of higher learning that offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and conduct research in those fields. Smaller institutions that offer only bachelor or associate's degrees usually are called "colleges." According to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching's respected classifications, the United States has 284 universities among a total 4,386 post-secondary institutions.


[edit] Overview

The American university system, like the American educational system in general, is highly decentralized because the U.S. Constitution's Tenth Amendment reserves all unenumerated powers (one of which is education) "for the States respectively, or to the people." Thus, except for the United States service academies, the federal government does not directly regulate universities. Such a degree of autonomy in higher education is rare.

American universities have developed independent accreditation agencies to vouch for the quality of the degrees they offer. The accreditation agencies rate universities and colleges on criteria such as the quality of their libraries, the publishing records of their faculty, and the degrees which their faculty hold. An institution that issues degrees without reputable accreditation may not be recognized as valid and is often referred to as a "diploma mill."

The United States has both public universities and private universities. Some of the most prestigious private universities are in the Ivy League. Public universities, or state universities, with a similar level of rigor to Ivy League universities are called Public Ivies.

American high school students have wide latitude in choosing their postsecondary institutions, and as a result they usually leave their hometown to go to college. Universities provide residence halls so students can live on campus.

[edit] Admissions

Prospective students are free to apply to any American college or university; there is no system for matching students with specific institutions. The selectivity of university admissions in the United States varies greatly, ranging from highly selective institutions such as the Ivy League universities to public universities with mandates to admit any high school graduate in the state.

Each university has its own admissions system. The most common criteria considered are:

[edit] Finances

Tuition is charged at all American universities. Students often use scholarships, student loans, or grants, rather than paying all tuition out-of-pocket. Public universities receive funding from individual states, and residents of the state that supports the university typically pay much lower tuition than non-residents. All competitive universities, public and private, have endowments to provide a steady, reliable source of funding. Harvard University's endowment is the largest of any educational institution at $29.2 billion.

The Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Arts, both requiring around four years of study, are the two most common undergraduate degrees awarded by universities in the United States.

Intercollegiate athletics, organized by the National Collegiate Athletics Association, is very popular and very competitive in the United States, especially college football.

According to Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities, 17 of the top 20 scientific research universities in the world are in the United States. According to the Times Higher Education Supplement's world university rankings, 8 out of the top 11 universities in the world are in the United States.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links