Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

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The Universidade Metodista de São Paulo ("Methodist University of São Paulo") or Umesp is a private university based primarily in the city of São Bernardo do Campo, in the São Paulo state, although there is a campus in the city of Guaratinguetá, in the same state.


[edit] History and Background

The history of Umesp began in 1938, when the methodists created the Faculdade de Teologia da Igreja Metodista ("Theology College of the Methodist Church"), by the Anchieta highway, in São Bernardo do Campo.

As the city grew, so did the college, that now offered more graduation programs. In 1970, the IMS, Instituto Metodista de Ensino Superior ("Methodist Institute of Superior School") was created and in 1997, the institution gained the university status.

Today, over 18 thousand students go to Umesp, and the university is known not only through out the state of São Paulo, as in the entire country. Its most popular programs are in the communications area and theology.

[edit] Graduate programs

The school offers 40 different graduate and over 60 post-grad programs.

[edit] Campi

The university has, in total, four campi:

  • Rudge Ramos
  • Vergueiro
  • Planalto
  • Guaratinguetá

[edit] External link