United States House elections, 1960

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The U.S. House election, 1960 was an election for the United States House of Representatives in 1960 which coincided with the election of President John F. Kennedy. In spite of Kennedy's victory, his Democratic Party actually lost twenty seats to the opposition Republican Party. This may have been a backlash to the major Democratic gains in the previous election. Nonetheless, the Democrats retained a clear majority in the House.

Notable freshmen included future Senate Majority Leader and presidential candidate Bob Dole (R-Kan.) and future independent presidential candidate John Bayard Anderson (R-Ill.).

[edit] Overall results

Party Total Seats (change) Seat percentage Popular Vote
Democratic Party 263 -20 60.1% 54.3%
Independents 0 -1 0.0% 0.0%
Republican Party 174 +21 39.8% 44.8%
Totals 437 +0 100.0% 100.0%

   ██ 80.1-100% Republican ██ 80.1-100% Democratic   ██ 60.1-80% Republican ██ 60.1-80% Democratic   ██  ██    House seats by party holding plurality in state
██ 80.1-100% Republican ██ 80.1-100% Democratic
██ 60.1-80% Republican ██ 60.1-80% Democratic
██  ██ 
House seats by party holding plurality in state
   ██ 6+ Republican gain ██ 6+ Democratic gain   ██ 3-5 Republican gain ██ 3-5 Democratic gain   ██ 1-2 Republican gain ██ 1-2 Democratic gain   ██ no net change
██ 6+ Republican gain ██ 6+ Democratic gain
██ 3-5 Republican gain ██ 3-5 Democratic gain
██ 1-2 Republican gain ██ 1-2 Democratic gain
██ no net change

[edit] See also

Preceded by
U.S. House elections Succeeded by