United States House elections, 1936

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The U.S. House election, 1936 was an election for the United States House of Representatives in 1936 which coincided with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's landslide re-election. Roosevelt's Democratic Party, gained twelve more net seats from the Republican Party, bringing them above a three-fourths majority. This was the largest majority since Reconstruction.

Significant representation from the Progressive and Farmer-Labor parties is also notable, by U.S. standards.

[edit] Overall results

Party Total Seats (change) Seat percentage
Democratic Party 334 +12 76.7%
Farmer-Labor Party 5 +2 1.1%
Progressive Party 8 +1 1.8%
Republican Party 88 -15 20.2%
Totals 435 +0 100.0%

   ██ 80.1-100% Republican ██ 80.1-100% Democratic   ██ 60.1-80% Republican ██ 60.1-80% Democratic   ██  ██    ██  ██ 60.1-80% Progressive   House seats by party holding plurality in state
██ 80.1-100% Republican ██ 80.1-100% Democratic
██ 60.1-80% Republican ██ 60.1-80% Democratic
██  ██ 
██  ██ 60.1-80% Progressive
House seats by party holding plurality in state
   ██ 6+ Republican gain ██ 6+ Democratic gain   ██ 3-5 Republican gain ██ 3-5 Democratic gain   ██ 1-2 Republican gain ██ 1-2 Democratic gain   ██ no net change ██ 1-2 Farmer-Labor gain
██ 6+ Republican gain ██ 6+ Democratic gain
██ 3-5 Republican gain ██ 3-5 Democratic gain
██ 1-2 Republican gain ██ 1-2 Democratic gain
██ no net change ██ 1-2 Farmer-Labor gain

[edit] See also