Talk:United Nations Protection Force

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[edit] Reshaping this article Project

I'm adding raw informations while I'm going through the UN documentation about UNPROFOR and a few other sources. However, there will be a need to reshape this article in a better way. The problems I could enumerate right now are :

  • The article tends to tell the story of the war in Bosnia. This is interesting but more centered on the whole war than on the UNPROFOR itself (always difficult when writing articles about big military units... same problem with the International Brigades, for instance)
Try not to duplicate too much from History of Bosnia and Herzegovina#Bosnian war. --Joy [shallot] 21:01, 23 Nov 2004 (UTC)
  • There would be a need to enumerate the most proheminent war crimes, the incidents which most exasperated the Western public opinion (these obviously do not co-incidate), the effects on the public opinion, the societey, the political class... (but a "trivia" section seems somewhat improper to me...)
  • Since I used to read and watch French news at the time, I might have a "franco-centrist" approach of the problem. Notably, France was at the time arguably the most "agressive" Western country, even though its relationships with the warring parties are somewhat complicated (notably the initial pro-Serb sentiment). So I might not render accurately the sentiments of the British party, and evenmore poorly the sentiments of the former Yugoslav parties.

Rama 16:43, 23 Nov 2004 (UTC)

That's fair, we can correct any eventual bias as we go. Thank you very much for being so straightforward about this, people don't tend to do this. --Joy [shallot] 21:01, 23 Nov 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Stub

Is this article still a stub? Should the message be removed? Blorg 15:56, 10 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Not is the sense that there are more than three lines in this article; but yes, because it was mainly based on a dicument of the UN which predates the incidents which occured at the end of the UNPROFOR mission (blue helmets taken hostages, etc...). We still have to :
- Complete the end of the article
- Document some things (the list of main officers is very incomplete , for instance)
- Make sure that the article does not duplicate the article on the war in Bosnia too much. That's always a problem with the history of a military unit, if you want to give some perspective, you end up re-writing the whole war :p
So I would keep the tag for now, sice there is no way that the article, in its present state, could be a candidate for a definitive article, and I wouldnt like people to be mislead into thinking it might be. But I'm confident it will swiflty converge to a nice article though. Thanks ! Rama 08:35, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)
 yugovet:couple of points:the Croatia side is very incompete.air and sea units are not covered at all! and i think it needs to comment on all the GOOD WORK unprofor did-people fed,families re-unified,munitions destroyed,medical care,observation, i could go on and on.

[edit] Bihać enclave in late 1994

In October, the Bosnian Croat forces attacked the Bosnian Serb forces trapped in the Bihać pocket. The attack and the ensuing counter-attack by the Bosnian Serbs induced terror in the local population and another massive exodus of refugees. In deliberate contradiction with the "Safe Area" status of Bihać and the "No-flight" zones, Bosnian Serb airplanes made repeated attacks in the Bihać area, using cluster bombs and napalm.

Err, it was the Bosnian Croats and Muslims that were trapped in the Bihać enclave. Was this an attack by the few forces of the HVO in there, and did they attack the Serbs, or the rebel Bosniaks under Fikret Abdić, or both? Were they joined by Armija BiH (Bosniak government forces)? Perhaps I'm letting the first sentence confuse me too much... --Joy [shallot] 14:41, 31 Dec 2004 (UTC)

 yugovet: both are correct. The first forces to attack where the bosnians-they had a complete breakout in the early stages. However,when the serb forces counter attacked,they recaptured everything and menced bihac. it was almost overrun. and yes, it was bombed and subjected to missile attacks.

[edit] Grammatical Errors

I’m not an expert at English so I’m not editing the questionable grammar mistakes but I think somebody qualified should have a look.

[edit] L:acking info

This article is lacking a lot of information. It doesn't even mention the Operation Medak pocket - and it only mentions some parts (like Operation Storm) making it seem rather insignificant to the actual development of events. At many points it's presenting anti-Serbian POV and at those where it talks about Croats as "bad guys", it's POV again. I think that this article should be greatly expanded and somewhat rewritten. --HolyRomanEmperor 17:50, 25 June 2006 (UTC)