Talk:Unitary matrix

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The conjugate transpose is also known as the hermitian adjoint, represented with a dagger. For example:

U^dagger * U = I_n where the carrot represents a superscript and the underscore the subscript.

Just a thought but could someone add in an explaination of the unitary group when the field is finite? Since the definition of the unitary matrix relies on the conjugate transpose is there an equivalent definition of "conjugate transpose on a finite field"? TooMuchMath 20:20, 13 April 2006 (UTC)

"Note this condition says that a matrix U is unitary if it has an inverse which is equal to its conjugate transpose U^* \,." Would it be more precise here to use "if and only if" rather than just "if" ? Or maybe call it an alternative definition? Richard Giuly 05:22, 24 October 2006 (UTC)