Unexplained happenings

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[edit] Unexplained Happenings

There are many different things which have happened in the human world we don't have explainations for. Humans are often baffled by a sudden series of events they didn't see coming. Even if they knew a certain thing would happen, there is always the trouble of explaining it. So a reason is worked out and the event is recordered and stuffed away in a dusty corner. However, there is always a person who will take out the evidence, shake the layers of grit off the top and bring the event back to life. That is how sightings of ghosts, the Bermuda Triangle, the Mary Celeste and aliens to name a few, are still talked about and pondered upon.

[edit] Ghosts, and their many stories

A commonly argued topic is if ghosts exist. If they do exist, then they do for a reason. Perhaps because they want to warn you about something which could go wrong. Or they might haunt you, if you are responsible for them dying. Or because they are lost or want to fix something.

Some remarkable ghost stories are,

In 1799 Lord Thomas Lyttleton was told he would die in exactly three days by a ghost girl. He reset all the clocks in the house where he lived. There was no trouble when his clocks struck the hour of his death, but when the church clock struck the real time into the air, Lord Thomas Lyttleton died as predicted.

Glamis Castle in a rather famous haunted house in Scotland, said to have nine or more ghosts.

Borley Rectory is another haunted house in England. In just 76 years, over 200 ghost sightings were reported.

The Countess of Salisbury was sentenced to death in 1541, but instead of giving in she ran screaming around in circles while her exuctioner chased her with his axe held high.

While ghosts are calmer, Poltergeists are more likely to smash cups and plates or sometimes attack people.

[edit] The Curse of Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun is a mysterious Eygptian mummy. Whoever has anything to do with him, dies! In the seven years after the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb, twenty-two out of twenty-four of the people who had been invovoled had died with no scientific cause for their death.

The Egyptians had written messages on the tombs of mummies. A bit before archeologists discovered Tutankhamun's tomb, they found a slate carved with Death will slay with its wings whoever disturbs the pharaoh's peace.. The slate was ignored and the openers, Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter were soon under the curse. Egyptian's have beliefs, and two of them are, snakes are a form of the goddess Wadjet who protects royal Eyptians and a Nekhebet bird would scratch the face of whoever envaded a pharaoh's tomb. Carter's pet canary was eaten by a snake soon after the tomb was opened and Carnarvon started getting sicker and sicker and when he died every light in Cairo went out for five minutes. In his last few days, people could hear him mumbling, "a bird is scratching my face".

[edit] Stonehenge

Whether a calender, UFO beacon, temple, astronomical clock or frozen army, Stonehenge is a challenging mystery. Our ancestors somehow erected the stones in puzzling circles, then, when we supposed they were half finished, they stopped! Scientist's have the thought about astrononmical clocks because some circles point to the sun and moon at a certain important time in a year and some point to sunrise. Stonehenge seems to be a mystery humans will be choking on for some time yet.

[edit] Mary Celeste

The Mary Celeste, originally called The Amazon, was sighted in 1872 by another ship called the Dei Gratia. Mary Celeste looked like she was in trouble so the captian of the Dei Gratia sent some of his men over to take a look. When they borded and searched Mary Celeste they found no crew. After a while they found a lifeboat and some equipment was missing so they assumed the crew had abandoned ship. They found the Mary Celeste's captain's diary and discovered where the ship had been and that there was bad weather. But why would a crew try sailing out to a churning sea in a lifeboat with no food? There are guesses from scheming which involved killing the Mary Celeste's crew for all the cargo or a drunk's idea of adventure to aliens, whirlwinds and sea monsters.

[edit] The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle can be marked if you drew a long and imaginary line from Miama to the island Bermuda then to the island Puerto Rico and back to Miami again. In this imaginary triangle a series of confusing events have happened. A flight of planes set of on a training routine in perfectly fine weather but after one hour the routine instructor radioed, "This is emergency. We seem to be off course. Can't see land." They were told to turn West but replied, "We don't know which way is West. Everything is wrong, strange. We aren't sure of any direction. Even the sea doesn't look as she should." A storm had whipped up so a second flight was sent out to retrieve the first one. However, neither returned. Another time, a freight ship sailed into the triangle. Radioed back was, "Now very danger, come quick." Those fortunate enough to return from the triangle have said there were lights in the sky, mistbanks, equipment showing a huge land mass not shown on a map and other equipment failing then fixing again.

Information gained form The Unsolved Mysteries Project Book. Written on 30/11/06