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In the first diagram under "Promotion to a knight," I worked out this analysis of the position following 1.e8(N)!, and originally put it in the article:

After 1...Bf7, White can also hold with 2.Bf6! sacrificing the knight to reach a drawn two bishops versus one bishop ending. Not 2.Nf6? Bd4! 3.Be7 Kg6 4.Bd8 Ba1 5.Be7 Kf7 6.Bd8 Bb1 zugzwang, but 2.Ng7 Kg6 (or 2...Bd4 3.Bf6! Bxf6 stalemate) 3.Nh5! (not 3.Bh4? Bd4 4.Bf6 Kxf6, with a theoretical win in the two bishops versus knight ending) Kxh5 4.Bf6! also draws.

I'm pretty sure this is accurate, but of course it's a pretty flagrant NOR violation, so I changed the text to (I think) deal with that problem. Krakatoa 21:07, 7 September 2006 (UTC)