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UnaLaguna is a Wikipedia user. His most notable contribution to date is creating an article concerning his village of residence.


[edit] Origins

Una, who in real life goes by the name of Philip was originally a 56k modem user, and so thus his time online was incredibly limited. Before getting Broadband he went by numerous aliases at his school's weekly games club. Originally, when registering on the PC Gamer Forum in September 2004, his first choice of pseudonym was "El Felipe". However, due to the fact that an account with that same username had already been created, he was forced to come up with the name "Una manzana".

For just over a year Una used this alias, and most of his online activity was on the PC Gamer Forums and online games where he used the same name. However, in August 2005 Una found the Shadows of Hope clan server for Jedi Knight II. After three weeks he became a member.

However, as time changed Una's love for the name waned, and considered two new names: Una the Tuna and Una Laguna (both of which had, for some time, served as display names on MSN). Una Laguna won out, and since the beginning of 2006 he has used this new name.

In mid-2005 Una set up and semi-regularly updated website on Freewebs. However, it soon became clear to him that he couldn't update it enough to make it worth having. The website has subsequently been abandoned for some months.

[edit] Video games

Electronic entertainment, primarily on the PC has played a major part in Una's life. The first computer he ever got to use was a DOS computer when he was four, on which he could play a number of simple games (most notably "Dog" and "Doll").

The next major event was replacing the DOS computer with an Apple Mac. Una played numerous shareware games on this computer, most notably Fluffy's Adventure, an adventure game in which the player would control Fluffy and try to get him home after become stranded on an island. It took several months for Una and his younger brothers to complete the game. Other games featured maps of Europe (in which the player would have to match the name with the country), Vampires (the first challenges consisting of dealing with imperial units, then with progressively harder combat) and numerous other games.

In Autumn 1999, Una was able to play games on a Dell PC running Windows 98. Whilst most of the earlier games he was able to play were Edutainment, one of the first games he played on the computer was Incoming, a space combat simulator that was very popular with Una and his brothers. Christmas of 1999 brought along possibly the single most-played game by Una: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, which he would continue to play for years to come.

Christmas 2000 saw Una and his brother receiving Game Boy Colors and copies of Pokemon games. These would dominate their holidays, when no computer was accessible, for several years.

Over the next few years few full games came to rival The Phantom Menace, although many demos were installed at regular intervals. However, in the summer of 2000 Una was able to play Drakan: Order of the Flame. Whilst being played a reasonable amount, The Phantom Menace remained the most-played game. In summer 2002, Una was able to use The Simpsons Cartoon Studio, which he masted over the span of a couple of years, eventually producing epics too big to fit in a single movie file (the maximum number of frames in a single movie is limited to 1200). As a Christmas present Una received a copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which quickly fell from his favour (largely due to the fact that it would completed in just five days by his brother). However, Una would continue to play The Philosopher's Stone for the Game Boy Colour for years to come.

It was in Spring 2003 that Una started to play a considerable amount of games (eventually the amount of games played would become greater than the amount of television watched). His brother bought a copy of Age of Mythology, which - along with the various games now available under Linux - meant that Una had many more games to choose from. In May of the same year, his brother bought a copy of PC Gamer: the first of many issues to be bought (Una is still subscribing to this day), and in July Una bought copies of Black & White, Stronghold and Monopoly Tycoon, which occupied him for months to come. Una became so addicted to Black and White that he started to experience hallucinations as he tried to sleep.

Una's games collection continued to grow, and then in January 2005, in addition to the old Windows 98 Dell, a new Dell computer (this time with Windows XP and PCI Express) was bought along with Broadband. This enabled Una to play many modern titles (such as Call of Duty), and also meant that older games could be played over the newly-conceived network. In August 2005 Una built a computer of his own, and was able to play more games than ever before.

As of September 2006, the amount of games Una has played has decreased in favour of using Adobe After Effects to create, among other things, lightsabers.

[edit] Wikipedia usage

Una first discovered Wikipedia when he realised that it was repeatedly coming up as one of the first results when conducting Google searches in the early summer of 2005. He read many articles with great interest (particularly all articles related to Pink Floyd), and Wikipedia soon replaced Google as his primary means of conducting research.

He decided to create an account when trying to find an article on his village of Nutley. At the time, searching for "Nutley" brought up the entry for Nutley, New Jersey, and the Maresfield article had a link to this Nutley in New Jersey instead of the nearby village of the same name. The first move Una made on Wikipedia was to create an article on Nutley and correct all the errors (he left the redirection from "Nutley" to "Nutley, New Jersey" for two reasons: the New Jersey township is bigger than the village, and Una did not know how to change the redirection).

Una has made other minor changes to the Terminal Frost and Call of Duty 3 articles.

[edit] French Wikipedia escapades

In a lesson of French on September 22nd 2006, Una ran out of things to do, so looked on the French Wikipedia. Within just a few minutes, he had created an article on the site. Yorkshire pudding had previously not existed, so Una added a one-sentence entry, checked by his French teacher. Within six hours, the article had been edited so that it contained a picture of a Yorkshire pudding and had an external link pointing to a recipe for the food.

[edit] Contributions

[edit] New articles started

[edit] Edited articles

[edit] Edited articles (minor edits)

[edit] To-do list

[edit] Improve the following articles

[edit] Create the following articles

  • Incoming Forces
  • Warlords Battlecry II

[edit] External links

This user uses Wikipedia as his or her primary point of reference.
to / too
/ two
Too many people have no idea how to use words they should have learned in grade two.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
Big Brother is watching this user.
This user knows that there is no dark side of the moon really— matter of fact it's all dark.
fan-3 This user thinks that he is the greatest comedian of all time.
This user is a Jedi.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user prefers to play games on a personal computer.