
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ulichs (Uglichs) (Уличи (Угличи) in Russian, Уличі (Угличі) in Ukrainian) were a tribe of Early East Slavs who between the 8th and the 10th century inhabited the territories along the Lower Dnieper, Bug River and the Black Sea littoral.

The Ulichs long struggled against the Kievan princes Oleg, Igor and Sviatoslav Igorevich for their independence, until a Kievan commander Sveneld captured their capital, Peresechen (near Orhei, in present-day Moldova), around 940. In the mid-10th century the Ulich lands paid tribute to Sveneld. Later on, the Ulichs and the neighboring Tivertsi had to retreat to the north due to the Pecheneg invasion. There they were assimilated by the Volhynians. The Ulichs were last mentioned in the 970s.