U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Europe District

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Europe District, logo
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Europe District, logo


[edit] Background

For over a quarter of a century, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Europe District, (NAU) has provided both installation and contingency support to U.S. forces throughout the United States European Command area of responsibility. Headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany, the district, which is part of the North Atlantic Division, covers a widely dispersed geographic area from Western Europe across Eastern Europe, including Russia, down to Israel and throughout most of the African continent. Work is executed from offices located in Germany, Belgium, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Bosnia, Kosovo, Israel, and the Republic of Georgia. Europe District’s 102 local national employees in seven different countries comprise 22 percent of its workforce.

[edit] Mission

As the Department of Defense's design and construction agent in most of Europe, NAU executes the U.S. Military Construction (MILCON) programs and provides support to multiple U.S. government agencies as well as international organizations such as NATO. In addition, the district’s 380-person workforce provides professional engineering, construction, environmental, real estate, and master planning and administrative contracting services. The district is also postured to respond rapidly to military contingencies and civil emergencies. The district supplements the installation engineers with the total resources, experience, and expertise of the Corps of Engineers in their efforts to resolve operations & maintenance, host nation engineering, and construction issues. The total fiscal year 2006 program workload was about $525 million. In addition, the fiscal year 2006 construction program amounted to $325 million.

Within its geographic boundaries NAU supports the following governmental agencies and foreign governments:

[edit] Armed Forces

U.S. European Command
U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR)
U.S. Air Force, Europe (USAFE)
Special Operations Command, Europe

[edit] Department of Defense Agencies

Installation Management Agency, Europe
Department of Defense Dependent Schools
Defense Commissary Agency
Defense Logistics Agency
Army and Air Force Exchange Service
Defense Intelligence Agency
U.S. Army Medical Command
Community and Family Support Center

[edit] Other governmental agencies

U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
U.S. Department of State
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Agency
Host Nation Governments (Germany, Belgium, etc.)
Government of Israel (Ministry of Defense)

[edit] Programs

[edit] 1. U.S. Military Construction (MILCON)

The MILCON programs fund much of NAU's engineering and construction program. The programs provide much-needed improvements to both operational and quality-of-life infrastructure. In fiscal year 2006, NAU executed programs in the amount of $400 million in support of U.S. forces and other DoD agencies. Much of this work is executed in Germany through an indirect process where the district field offices have oversight of work contracted and managed by the German government. This is stipulated by the international agreement known as ABG75, whereby construction is managed through the German construction office Staatsbauamt or Staatliche Hochbauamt. Consequently, NAU shares a portion of each project’s program fees and supervision and administration fees with the German bauamts.

Current major MILCON programs include:

[edit] * Efficient Basing Grafenwoehr (EB-G) –

In Grafenwoehr, Germany, NAU supports Army transformation in Europe through partnership with the U.S. Garrison Grafenwoehr and U.S. Army Europe Deputy Chief of Staff for Engineering. Construction on the $689 million program covers fiscal years 2003-2009. NAU has established an EB-G Program Office on site to more effectively integrate with the local Department of Public Works (DPW) office and bauamt offices. EB-G provides for the stationing of a Stryker Brigade Combat Team and its families. EB-G will enhance training readiness, improve force protection and provide new or renovated facilities and excellent quality-of-life facilities for Soldiers and families.

[edit] * Joint Task Force – East (JTF-E)-

Forward Operating Sites (FOSs) in Romania and Bulgaria. Basic facilities to support the requirements of rotational training units of about 2,000 Soldiers will include expeditionary-type billets, operation/administration, and maintenance facilities. Supporting facilities include anti-terrorism measures, roads, walks, and site improvements. Utility infrastructure includes installation of packaged water and sewer treatment plants, and basic electrical, water, and sewer distribution and storage systems. Host nation coordination is proceeding to establish procedures for real estate, utilities, facilities, and environmental issues.

[edit] * Military Construction Air Force (MCAF) -

The District is currently involved in the design and construction of all USAFE MILCON in Germany and Turkey. In fiscal year 2006, NAU managed $185 million in design and $80 million in construction. Nine MILCON projects were awarded in fiscal year 2006. The Turkey Resident Office executes its design and construction through Indefinite-delivery-indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) design services and direct (standard) contracting for construction services. MILCON design and construction for USAFE, especially family housing at [[Ramstein Air Base|Ramstein}}, Spangdahlem and Incirlik, will remain a significant portion of the district’s workload over the next few years.

[edit] * Army and Air Force Family Housing (AFH/AAFH) -

Since 2003, NAU has been executing a large construction program to improve the infrastructure, safety and appearance of both Army and Air Force Family Housing dwellings. Improvements for many units include new kitchens and bathrooms, laundry facilities in the dwelling versus in the basements, built-in closets, and details such as 110-volt outlets and telephone and cable television hookups. Others include expanding the number and size of rooms to suit today’s family expectations. The family housing program in fiscal year 2005 was $14.8 million and in fiscal year 2006 it was $128.4 million. A townhouse initiative in the Army Family Housing Program will begin in fiscal year 2008 and in has already begun for the Air Force.

[edit] * Contingency support to OIF/OEF:

OIF – Iraq - Support to Iraqi Freedom includes design and procurement reach back of projects with PA $121 million in fiscal year 2006.
OEF – Afghanistan – Support to Enduring Freedom includes design and procurement reach back of projects with PA $12 million in fiscal year 2006.

Department of Defense Dependent Schools, Europe - In fiscal year 2006, the DoDDS-E MILCON program had four projects in design with a combined PA totaling $31.8 million. All four projects are scheduled for fiscal year 2008 award. In fiscal year 2007, the DoDDS construction projects total $54.1 million.

[edit] 2. NAU's Installation Support Program

offers the full range of technical expertise and project management services on a reimbursable basis to supplement installation-engineering capabilities. Among the services available are:

• Project scope development
• Master planning
• Design, engineering support and construction
• Entry and Access Control Points Design & Construction - Installation Support is utilizing its expertise in the area of entry access control points to execute $5 million worth of planning and projects across Europe in support of military installations this fiscal year.
• Job Order contracts which provide pre-priced maintenance and repair (M&R) work items and delivery orders
• Indefinite-delivery-indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) Multiple Award Task Order (MATOC) contracts; allows flexibility for scope of work, design and funding/task orders.

[edit] 3. Environmental Support -

Installation Support's Environmental Team includes a broad range of disciplines to bring expert solutions to challenges like soil disposal and natural resource management. Differing from most stateside environmental programs that involve large expense remediation or Base Realignment and Closure projects, NAU has a $20-25 million environmental program comprised of approximately 300 new and ongoing projects. The district is currently supporting USAREUR with the Claims and Joint Task Force-East Programs with projects to determine and document existing environmental issues at the bases and potential Forward Operating Sites. (~$3 million) The environmental program also supports the garrisons with their environmental operational, remediation, and base closure activities (~ $10 million) and provides support to 7th Army Training Command’s Integrated Training Area Management Program (~$2.5 million) and the Defense Energy Support Center ($5 million) Program throughout Europe.

[edit] 4. The U.S. Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

O&M programs fund about a quarter of Europe District’s engineering and construction team. These programs supplement the installation engineers with the total resources, experience, and expertise of the Corps of Engineers in their efforts to resolve O&M and host nation engineering and construction issues. The District is executing programs in the amount of $50 million in support of U.S. Forces. Europe District has made the district's services more accessible to its DPW customers by collocating Regional Program Managers (RPM) with seven USAREUR/USAFE Installation Engineers. RPM’s provide responsive support: from serving as an adjunct member of the DPW staff to helping coordinate with the District, to helping prepare forms to justify major construction projects.

[edit] 5. Defense Commissary Agency and Army Air Force Exchange Service Projects –

The Defense Commissary Agency program currently has one MILCON project in design with a PA of $14.8 million. There are two projects under construction with a combined PA totaling $36 million (this includes the new DeCA/AAFES complex as part of the EB-G program). Future commissary construction is planned for the Ramstein, Wiesbaden, Ansbach, and Stuttgart communities in Germany.

[edit] 6. Community Family Support Center (CFSC) Programs and Projects: –

Another growing Europe District program includes work for Non-Appropriated Funds. Currently the program has six projects in design with a combined PA of $110.9 million. These projects include Army Lodging Facilities for Hohenfels, Wiesbaden, Grafenwoehr, Stuttgart, and Ansbach communities in Germany, and Chievres in Belgium. There is also one project currently under construction with PA totaling $1.5 million.

[edit] 7. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) –

Israel: - Israel is currently the District’s southern most location with 20 employees managing a $500 million FMS program. Since fiscal year 2000, projects have included the Northern & Southern Infantry Training Bases; Nachshonim Storage Base (NSB); Intelligence Facility; Air Force - F-16i & Blackhawk Simulators, Hydrant Fuel Systems, a 400 building instrumented desert MOUT facility, and multiple F16i Squadron Command Centers.

[edit] 8. International Engineering –

In Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Republics and Warsaw Pact nations, and in African countries in the EUCOM AOR, Europe District’s International Engineering Center (IEC) is helping to shaping the peace. The IEC’s multi-faceted program supports U.S. military and government agencies in the region. The work ranges from traditional military engineering construction of facilities, roads and bridges, to renovating orphanages and building customs and border crossing stations. The following are a few of the programs supported by the District:

• Under NATO’s Partnership for Peace program, the IEC conducts infrastructure assessments for NATO-aspirant nations and facilitates technical information exchanges for all PfP nations.
• The IEC supports EUCOM’s Theater Engagement Plan by coordinating and managing Exercise Related Construction throughout Eastern Europe and Africa. Countries currently include: Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Armenia, Senegal, Niger, Mali, and Gabon.
• In addition, through coordination with Headquarters DA, the IEC coordinates the Civil-Military Emergency Preparedness (CMEP) Program that promotes cooperation among Eastern European and Central Asian nations through regional multinational crisis management workshops and exercises.
• U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Customs Service – The District’s work centers around assistance to the establishment of the Georgia Border Security and Law Enforcement Program. Primary end users are the Georgia Border Guard and the Georgia Customs Department. Also work is being conducted in Malta as part of Export Control and Related Border Security Assistance Program.
• Department of Energy (Elimination of Weapons Grade Plutonium Production Program – EWGPP) – The District continues to support the Department of Energy with independent cost reviews of two fossil fuel plants (Seversk & Zheleznogorsk) to replace three weapons-grade plutonium production reactors. The construction phase assessments will also be supported by a diverse team of experts from Europe, Walla Walla, Omaha, and Savannah Districts and private industry. In addition, an engineer at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow serves as the Resident Officer for Construction in direct support to DoE.
Department of State International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) – The IEC continues to assist INL with design/renovation of facilities for a police academy and a forensics laboratory ($2.2 million) in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia and the design/renovation of a facility to house a forensics lab in Armenia ($900,000).
• Humanitarian Assistance – As of early fiscal year 2007, NAU is working on four projects in the Republic of Georgia totaling $450,000. The projects include water line upgrades, hospital, school, and clinic renovations.
Missile Defense Agency (MDA) – MDA requested that NAU provide them geotechnical support as part of their missile defense, 3rd Site Missile Field. The district continues to provide site survey work in two Eastern European countries in support of the design and construction of this new missile field slated to begin construction in fiscal year 2008.
• Counter-Narcotics Program Design and Construction – The district awarded a contract in September 2005 for construction of a "shoot house" in Albania to support Special Operations Command-Europe training of Albanian military. As of early fiscal year 2007, construction is ongoing ($200,000). In addition, the IEC is currently working on design of K9 facilities in Macedonia ($450,000).
• Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Initiative (formerly Pan-Sahel Initiative) - The Trans-Sahara Counter Terrorism Initiative (TSCTI) is a U.S. government program designed to help develop the internal security forces necessary to control borders and combat terrorism and other illegal activity. The initiative increases assistance with detection and response and will also help these nations maintain security by building the capacity to prevent conflict at its inception. Operation Enduring Freedom - Trans Sahara (OEF-TS) is the U.S. military component of TSCTI. EUCOM executes OEF-TS through a series of military-to-military engagements and exercises designed to strengthen the ability of regional governments to police the large expanses of remote terrain in the trans-Sahara. NAU is engaged with Special Operations Command-Europe in support of base camp construction in Niger. The IEC is utilizing the newly awarded Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) which provides the flexibility and responsiveness required by customers to meet late emerging requirements in a more timely manner.

[edit] 9. Contingency Support: -

As North Atlantic Division’s forward deployed district, NAU is heavily involved with Field Force Engineering doctrine development and on the leading edge for FFE training and implementation. FFE is the means by which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers leverages its technical engineering capabilities to support maneuver commanders in combat or contingencies. NAU established Forward Engineer Support Teams with EUCOM and USAREUR. This has further improved the district's responsiveness and integration into operations plan development and has led to increased participation in warfighter exercises.

The district continues to improve its capacity to provide rapid response to operations by conducting regular training for volunteer FFE staff from both Europe District and other North Atlantic Division districts.

• OIF – as of fiscal year-end 2006, the total FFE support to Iraq: 8 military, 52 civilians; the IEC also has on average 5 employees in individual augmentation support to Iraq at any given time;

• OEF – as of fiscal year-end 2006, the total FFE support to Afghanistan: 2 military, 6 civilians; the IEC also has on average 5 employees in individual augmentation support to Afghanistan at any give time;

• Balkans Support –

- DPW Support – Providing 4 DAC and 4 LNs supporting Base Camp DPWs.

- USAREUR Support Contract (USC) – on Sept. 1, 2005, NAU took on all responsibilities to perform contract administration support for this contract in Bosnia and Kosovo (DCMA performs corporate level ACO duties of KBR in Houston). TAC remains the PCO for this contract. NAU fields 11 civilians and 6 local nationals in the Balkans. This contract, more expansive than its predecessor, the Balkans Support Contract, will provide life support services to future USAREUR contingencies throughout the EUCOM region.