Types of Tamburitza

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[edit] Bisernica

Bisernica (cro. "biser" meaning "pearl", also called "Prima") is the smallest tamburitza. It has 5 strings; E, A, D and 2 G strings. The sound reminds of that of mandolin or balalaika. It is mostly used as a lead instrument or harmonising instrument. It is very lound and it is about 50 cm long.

[edit] Brač

Brač (pronounced "Brach", also called "Basprima") is a slightly bigger instrument than the bisernica but is played in a similar fashion. Because of its bigger size, it sounds lower then the bisernica.

[edit] Čelo

Čelo (pronounced "Chelo") is similar in size to bugarija, and used for dynamics.

[edit] Bugarija

Bugarija (pronounced "Bugariah", also called "Kontra") is similar to a guitar, but has only 3 or 4 strings. It is mostly used for rythmic contrast of the bajs.

[edit] Bajs

Bajs (pronounced "Buys", also called "Berda") is the largest tamburitza. It can only be played standing used for playing bass lines.