Twenty-first dynasty of Egypt Family Tree

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The family tree of the Twenty-first dynasty of Egypt was heavily interconnected with the family of the High Priests of Amun at Thebes. Later the Twenty-second and Twenty-third dynasties were also related by marriage to these families.

Tanite King
High Priest of Amun
                          Herihor = Nodjmet            Ramesses XI = ?
                                  |                                |
                                  |                                |
                                  |                                |
                               Hereret = Piankh                Tantamun = Smendes = Henettawy 
                                       |                                |         |
                                       |            +------------+------+         |
                                       |            |            |                |
                                   Pinedjem I = Henettawy  Amenemnisu      Mutnodjemet = Psusennes I = Wilay 
                                              |                                        |
                 +----------------+-----------+-----------+            +---------------+
                 |                |           |           |            |               |
            Djedkhonsuefankh  Maatkare A  Masaherta  Menkheperre = Asetemkhbit   Amenemopet = Mehtenweskhet
                                                                 |                          |
                                            +---------+----------+                          |?
                                            |         |          |                          | 
                                            |   Smendes II = Henttawy                     Siamun      Shoshenq A = Mehtenweskhet A
                                            |              |                                                     |
                                            |              |                         +----------+----------------+
                                            |              |                         |          |
                                     Pinedjem II   =   Neskhons         Osorkon the Elder   Nimlot = Tentsepeh  
                                                   |                                               |
                                                   |                                       +-------+
                                                   |                                       |
                                         Psusennes III = ?                  Karomama = Shoshenq I = ? -----------------------------+
                                                       |                             |                                             |
                                                  +----+------+              +-------+------+---------------------+                |
                                                  |           |              |              |                     |                |                    |
                              Shedsunefertum = Tenetsepeh     |        Tashepenbastet   Osorkon I = Tashedkhons  Iuput A     Nimlot B                                                                       
                                                              |                                   | 
                                                              |           +--------------------+--+
                                                              |           |                    |
                                                          Maatkare B = Shoshenq II   Kapes = Takelot I
                                                                                           |         |         |
                                                                                   ? = Osorkon II  Iuwelot  Smendes III   
                                                                               Takelot II = Karomama-Merytmut
                                                                      |?                  |
                                                            ? = Shoshenq III     ? = Osorkon III
                                                              |                    |
                               +------------+----------+------+---+                +-----------+-------------+
                               |            |          |          |                |           |             |
                          Bakennefi A  Pashedbast B  Pimay  Takeloth C       Takelot III    Rudamun    Shepenupet I