Turán graph

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The Turán graph T(13,4).
The Turán graph T(13,4).

The Turán graph T(n,r) is a graph formed by partitioning a set of n vertices into r subsets, with sizes as equal as possible, and connecting two vertices by an edge whenever they belong to different subsets. The graph will have (nmod r) subsets of size \lceil n/r\rceil, and r − (nmod r) subsets of size \lfloor n/r\rfloor. Each vertex has degree either n-\lceil n/r\rceil or n-\lfloor n/r\rfloor. The number of edges is


Turán graphs are named after P. Turán, who used them to prove Turán's theorem.


[edit] Properties and applications

Every Turán graph is a cograph. The Turán graph T(n,2) is a complete bipartite graph and, when n is even, a Moore graph. When r is a divisor of n, the Turán graph is symmetric and strongly regular, although some authors consider Turán graphs to be a trivial case of strongly regularity and therefore exclude them from the definition of a strongly regular graph.

By the pigeonhole principle, any set of r+1 vertices in the Turán graph includes two vertices in the same partition subset; therefore, the Turán graph does not contain a clique of size r+1. According to Turán's theorem, the Turán graph has the maximum possible number of edges among all (r+1)-clique-free graphs. Keevash and Sudakov (2003) show that the Turán graph is also the only (r+1)-clique-free graph of order n in which every subset of αn vertices spans at least \frac{r\,{-}\,1}{2r}(2\alpha -1)n^2 edges.

The Turán graph T(n,\lceil n/3\rceil) has 3a2b maximal cliques, where 3a+2b=n and b≤2; each maximal clique is formed by choosing one vertex from each partition subset. This is the largest number of maximal cliques possible among all n-vertex graphs regardless of the number of edges in the graph (Moon and Moser 1965); these graphs are sometimes called Moon-Moser graphs.

Chao and Novacky (1982) show that the Turán graphs are chromatically unique: no other graphs have the same chromatic polynomials. Nikiforov (2005) uses Turán graphs to supply a lower bound for the sum of the kth eigenvalues of a graph and its complement.

Falls, Powell, and Snoeyink develop an efficient algorithm for finding clusters of orthologous groups of genes in genome data, by representing the data as a graph and searching for large Turán subgraphs.

Turán graphs also have some interesting properties related to geometric graph theory. Pór and Wood (2005) give a lower bound of Ω((rn)3/4) on the volume of any three-dimensional grid embedding of the Turán graph. Witsenhausen (1974) conjectures that the maximum sum of squared distances, among n points with unit diameter in Rd, is attained for a configuration formed by embedding a Turán graph onto the vertices of a regular simplex. The 1-skeleton of a d-dimensional cross-polytope is a Turán graph T(2d,d), and is also called the cocktail-party graph.

[edit] References

  • Chao, C. Y.; Novacky, G. A. (1982). "On maximally saturated graphs". Discrete Mathematics 41: 139–143.
  • Keevash, Peter; Sudakov, Benny (2003). "Local density in graphs with forbidden subgraphs". Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 12: 139–153.
  • Moon, J. W.; Moser, L. (1965). "On cliques in graphs". Israel Journal of Mathematics 3: 23–28.
  • Pór, Attila; Wood, David R. (2005). "No-three-in-line-in-3D". Graph Drawing, 395–402, Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 3383, Springer-Verlag. DOI:10.1007/b105810.
  • Turan, P. (1941). "On an extremal problem in graph theory". Matematiko Fizicki Lapok 48: 436–452.

[edit] External links

[edit] See also