User talk:Tuohirulla

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In a recent VfD discussion, your contribution history was challenged. You said that your contributions have been primarily to the Finnish Wikipedia. As you probably know, the VfD discussions are frequently abused by sockpuppets. Your contribution history in the Finnish Wikipedia would be good evidence to prove that your ID is not a fake account. Most users, though, will not know how to do a cross-wiki search for your contribution history. Can I suggest that you edit your reply in the VfD discussion thread and give them a link to your Finnish contributions along with the explanation you already offered? It would be a quick and polite way to nip this dispute in the bud. Thanks. Rossami 18:26, 1 Nov 2004 (UTC)


[edit] Image copyright

Terve, voisit pistää kopiointioikeustiedot tälle kuvalle: Image:Sotakirves.jpg. Esim. Copyright itsellesi, tai ihan minkä haluat. Yleensäkin kuvissa pitäisi olla nuo tiedot. --kooo 04:37, 2004 Nov 19 (UTC)

[edit] John Morton

Please stop vandalising John Morton article. It is a trivial fact that he is Finnish. His family tree is known from the Rautalampian ancestors to these days. Tuohirulla 17:03, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Provide legit sources, because as it seems right now you are the vandal on the loose! ScapegoatVandal 16:55, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC) Tuohirulla 17:06, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Why don't AMERICAN sources say that, since New Sweden and John Morton were American? ScapegoatVandal 17:15, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

The rest of the talk is found here: Talk:John Morton

[edit] Featured article for December 25th

I noticed that you have listed yourself as an atheist Wikipedian. You will probably be interested to know that Brian0918 has nominated Omnipotence paradox as the front page article for December 25th. You can vote on this matter here. The other suggestion being supported by others for that date is Christmas, although Raul654 has historically been against featuring articles on the same day as their anniversary/holiday. AngryParsley (talk) (contribs) 08:17, 28 November 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Participant alert regarding Wikiproject on Advertising

The Wikiproject No Ads, created as a backlash against the deal, has served an important function in providing a space for users to express their disagreement with the Foundation proposal. While the current controversies about userboxes raise questions about political and social advocacy on Wikipedia, there should be greater flexibility regarding advocacy about Wikipedia in the Wikipedia namespace. Reported and linked by Slashdot and other press sources as a unique and spontaneous occurence in Wikipedia history, it has apparently had some impact as, despite being scheduled to begin in January, not a peep has been heard about the trial and proposed sponsored link since the deal's controversial announcement months ago. Currently, however, there is an attempt to delete the project or move it off Wikipedia altogether. Since the Foundation has provided no additional information and has not attempted to answer the specific questions that participants in the project raised, it is unclear if the deal has been abandoned or simply delayed. Until the situation becomes more clear, I believe the group should still have a place in the Wikipedia namespace. Sincerely, Tfine80 00:31, 10 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Islamophilia

You might be interested in contributing to the new article of islamophilia. --Germen (Talk | Contribs ) 11:14, 31 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Finnish Paganism

Hi, I'm interested in working with you to translate the fi:Suomalainen muinaisusko page into English. My Finnish is poor, but I know enough to help you to smooth out the English translation if you're worried about that. I'd enjoy working with you on this if you want. Thanks!--Stercus.caput 13:19, 26 September 2006 (UTC)

You are right that the English article needs more text. I will try to make something in English there and I hope you to look it is correct. My english is not good engough to make fluent text, so corrections are almost surely needed. I will make more text bit by bit, not everything at once. Tuohirulla puhu 20:35, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
Definitely! If you have any specific problems, just tell me on my Talk page. --Stercus.caput 22:50, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
I've edited the first half. I'm very busy lately, so please excuse me if it takes a little while to do the rest. :) It's going pretty well, I think! I'm turning it all into the past-tense (imperfekti), because it really needed to all be in the same tense. Some of the text is a bit too informal, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem. --Stercus.caput 02:31, 9 October 2006 (UTC)
Oh, don't worry! I'll get through the translation. Your English is better than you think! --Stercus.caput 23:57, 9 October 2006 (UTC)
One thing: "According to the divided concept of väki being divided in two (into power and folk of haltijas) ancient finnish world-wiew was totally animistic so that no forces of nature or people existed without väkis of haltijas." is not especially clear. Could you explain it to me more so that I could form it better? --Stercus.caput 01:16, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
In Finnish version it is as unintelligible as in here, so i have to explain. Väki meant both powers and groups of spirit beings. While spirit beings existed in every element or environment (iron, fire, wood, ground, forest, hill, air, graveyard, human, water and so on) also with them powers existed in all the elements. It has been suggested that perhaps ancient finns thought that the powers of elements and environments (like power of fire to burn or power of air to move ship or power of steel to hurt) were actually the same thing as powers of haltijas that lived in those elements and environments. So what makes fire to move, heat and burn is that haltijas of fire are moving, heating and burning, what makes wind to move ship is that haltijas of air are moving, and what makes steel to be hard and to hurt is that haltijas of steel are hard and aggressive. When fire burns wood it is actually a fight in which väki of fire wins väki of wood. When vater rises to land, it is actually an attack of väki of water to territory of other väkis. So lots of things that happens in nature have an explanation based on väki (and its both meanings, power and folk). Of course ancient finns did not think this in such systematic philosophic way as i have presented it, but in practice they saw väkis everywhere and explained a lot by them. Tuohirulla puhu 22:20, 12 October 2006 (UTC)
I'm sorry, I haven't been able to do more editing lately. I'm extremely busy, and I hope to do more soon, but I might not be able to for a while. I see some other people are doing some edits. Stercus.caput 18:35, 26 November 2006 (UTC)