Truku people

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The Truku (太魯閣族, also romanized asTaroko) people are a Taiwanese aboriginal tribe. Taroko is also the name of the area of Taiwan where the Truku tribe resides. The Executive Yuan, Republic of China has officially recognized the Truku since January 15th, 2004. The Truku are the 12th aboriginal tribe in Taiwan to receive this recognition.

[edit] See also

Taiwanese aborigines

Recognized: Ami | Atayal | Bunun | Kavalan | Paiwan | Puyuma | Rukai | Saisiyat | Tao | Thao | Tsou | Truku

Unrecognized: Babuza | Basay | Hoanya | Ketagalan | Luilang | Pazeh/Kaxabu | Popora | Qauqaut | Siraya | Taokas | Trobiawan

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