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Trollbloods are one of the four main factions in the Hordes (war game) miniature game by Privateer Press.
[edit] Notable Warlocks
- Chief Madrak Ironhide
The most renowned Trollkin chieftain in Immoren, Madrak Ironhide is also a powerful sorcerer. Like all Trollkin sorcerers (but not all Trollkin Warlocks), he is an albino. Madrak spent many years developing close ties with the Kingdom of Cygnar, but ultimately came to realize that the humans of that realm were not interested in the well-being of his people. He and his fellow Trollkin have set forth to reclaim their homeland. Ironhide bears the magical battle-axe Rathrok, or "World Ender", which (it is foretold) will bring about the destruction of the world.
- Horlauk Doomshaper
Hoarluk Doomshaper is an ancient and powerful Trollkin shaman. He has had a long-standing and bitter rivalry with Chief Madrak Ironhide, but after foiling a recent conspiracy by the Druids of Orboros, he and Madrak have joined forces against their common enemies. Doomshaper has received great renown for bringing the fearsome Dire Trolls under his control, something that was previously considered impossible.
- Grissel Bloodsong
Grissel Bloodsong is a Trollkin Fell Caller - a brave warrior who can uplift the hearts of fellow Trollkin with ear-splitting war calls. Fell Callers are typically male, but Grissel is one of the rare exceptions who is female. Grissel was already a champion of some renown when she decided to settle down with the only Trollkin male brave enough to be her mate. When he was killed in a raid, Grissel took up her mighty hammer to seek revenge and solace for her people.
[edit] Warbeasts
- Troll Axer
- Troll Impaler
- Dire Troll Mauler
- Dire Troll Blitzer
- Pyre Troll
[edit] Infantry Units
- Troll Champions
- Troll Scattergunners
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