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Elegant Trogon
Elegant Trogon
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Trogoniformes
AOU, 1886
Family: Trogonidae
Lesson, 1828


The trogons and quetzals are birds in the order Trogoniformes which contains only one family, the Trogonidae. Alternatively, they might constitute a member of the basal radiation of the order Coraciiformes (Johansson & Ericson, 2003). The word "trogon" is Greek for "nibbling" and refers to the fact that these birds gnaw holes in trees to make their nests.

Trogons are residents of tropical forests worldwide, with the greatest diversity in Central and in South America. The genus Apaloderma contains the few African species, and Harpactes the Asian. The rest are neotropical.

They feed on insects and fruit, and their broad bills and weak legs reflect their diet and arboreal habits. Although their flight is fast, they are reluctant to fly any distance. Trogons do not migrate.

Trogons have soft, often colourful, feathers with distinctive male and female plumage. They nest in holes in trees or termite nests, laying white or pastel coloured eggs.

Trogons in the genera Pharomachrus and Euptilotis are called "quetzals".

[edit] Species list

  • Order Trogoniformes
    • Family Trogonidae
      • Narina Trogon, Apaloderma narina
      • Bare-cheeked Trogon, Apaloderma aequatoriale
      • Bar-tailed Trogon, Apaloderma vittatum
      • Cuban Trogon, Priotelus temnurus
      • Hispaniolan Trogon, Priotelus roseigaster
      • Black-headed Trogon, Trogon melanocephalus
      • Citreoline Trogon, Trogon citreolus
      • White-tailed Trogon, Trogon viridis
      • Baird's Trogon, Trogon bairdii
      • Violaceous Trogon, Trogon violaceus
      • Mountain Trogon, Trogon mexicanus
      • White-eyed Trogon, Trogon comptus
      • Collared Trogon, Trogon collaris
      • Elegant Trogon, Trogon elegans
      • Orange-bellied Trogon, Trogon aurantiiventris
      • Masked Trogon, Trogon personatus
      • Black-throated Trogon, Trogon rufus
      • Surucua Trogon, Trogon surrucura
      • Blue-crowned Trogon, Trogon curucui
      • Black-tailed Trogon, Trogon melanurus
      • Slaty-tailed Trogon, Trogon massena
      • Lattice-tailed Trogon, Trogon clathratus
      • Eared Quetzal, Euptilotis neoxenus
      • Resplendent Quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno
      • Crested Quetzal, Pharomachrus antisianus
      • White-tipped Quetzal, Pharomachrus fulgidus
      • Golden-headed Quetzal, Pharomachrus auriceps
      • Pavonine Quetzal, Pharomachrus pavoninus
      • Blue-tailed Trogon, Harpactes reinwardtii
      • Malabar Trogon, Harpactes fasciatus
      • Red-naped Trogon, Harpactes kasumba
      • Diard's Trogon, Harpactes diardii
      • Philippine Trogon, Harpactes ardens
      • Whitehead's Trogon, Harpactes whiteheadi
      • Cinnamon-rumped Trogon, Harpactes orrhophaeus
      • Scarlet-rumped Trogon, Harpactes duvaucelii
      • Red-headed Trogon, Harpactes erythrocephalus
      • Orange-breasted Trogon, Harpactes oreskios
      • Ward's Trogon, Harpactes wardi

[edit] References

  • Johansson, Ulf S. & Ericson, Per G. P. (2003): Molecular support for a sister group relationship between Pici and Galbulae (Piciformes sensu Wetmore 1960). Journal of Avian Biology 34: 185–197. PDF fulltext

[edit] External links