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A triscene is an alien in the computer game X-COM. Nothing less than a small pink Dinosaur, these creatures would be vaguely ridiculous if they were not quite so good at killing things. They frequently accompany Lobster Men to Terror Sites and Shipping Raids.

Triscenes have a very tough skin that affords them superb protection against all known weapons, and along with abundant health and high speed makes them quite formidable. Their primary means of attack is basically chewing things until they break/die, but they also have a harness mounted on their back which carries twin heavy Sonic Cannons which can make short work of even an armoured Heavy weapons platform.

They do, however, possess two weaknesses that can be readily exploited:

  • They are very vulnerable on their undersides: even a small explosion can incapacitate a Triscene if it is directly above the source.
  • They have less than superb Molecular Control defences, and a skilled Aquanaut may be able to use a Triscene as a makeshift tank.

The alien races of X-COM
X-COM: UFO Defense X-COM: Terror from the Deep X-COM: Apocalypse
Sectoid | Snakeman | Ethereal | Muton | Floater | Celatid | Silacoid | Chryssalid | Reaper | Sectopod | Cyberdisc Aquatoid | Gill Man | Lobster Man | Tasoth | Calcinite | Deep One | Bio-Drone | Tentaculat | Triscene | Hallucinoid | Xarquid Alien Egg | Brainsucker | Multiworm | Hyperworms | Chrysalis | Anthropod | Psimorph | Spitter | Megaspawn | Popper | Skeletoid | Micronoid | Queenspawn | Overspawn