Trigger list

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Trigger list in its most general meaning refers to a list whose items are used to initiate ("trigger") certain actions.


[edit] Export control

Within the area of export controls, an export trigger list for a certain technology is a list of items whose sale or transfer is possible only after making sure that recipients are committed to restrictions of the use of this technology, as, e.g., in the case of nuclear materials. [1] Any transfer of items from an export trigger list "triggers" a series of safeguards set to ensure the safety of the transfer, such as performing of checks, signing the appropriate agreements, etc. See "Zangger Committee" for nuclear export control.

[edit] United States: Private financial information

In the United States, when a person applies for a mortgage loan, the lender makes a credit inquiry about the potential borrower from the national credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Unless the borrower is opted out, the credit bureaus put the applicants onto a "trigger list" of "leads" about persons who are interested in new loans. These lists are sold to numerous lenders all over the United States, and soon after the application the applicant starts receiving offers from the opposite coast of the country. The trigger lists contain a significant amount of personal financial information. [2] Among the buyers of trigger lists are "lead generators" which resell filtered information to borrowers, e.g., of people who live in a certain area and have a certain credit score.

While the Federal Trade Commission considers the market of "trigger lists" to be a legal business, many people and organizations (such as the National Association of Mortgage Brokers) consider this a serious breach of privacy and lobby for putting this practice under regulatory controls.

As of now, American consumers may opt-out from "trigger lists" by calling 888-567-8688.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers.
  2. ^ Home Mortgage Applications "Trigger" Sales of Private Financial Information