Treaty of Andelot

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Guntram and Childebert II, from the Grandes Chroniques de France.
Guntram and Childebert II, from the Grandes Chroniques de France.

The Treaty or Pact of Andelot, by which King Guntram of Burgundy and Queen Brunhilda of Austrasia agreed that Guntram was to adopt her son Childebert II as his successor and ally himself with Childebert against the revolted leudes, was signed at Andelot-Blancheville in 587.

Gregory of Tours wrote in his Historia Francorum that in the thirteenth year of Childebert, he went on an embassy for the king from Metz to Chalon to meet Guntram, who alleged that prior promises were being broken, especially concerning the division of Senlis. Significantly to Gregory, the treaty brought about the cession of Tours by Guntram to Childebert. An agreement was provided in writing and Gregory preserves the text of the treaty in his history.

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