Treaty 3

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Treaty 3 was an agreement entered into on 3 October 1887 by the Ojibway Nation and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdomas represented by the Government of the Dominion of Canada. The treaty covers a large part of what is now northwestern Ontario and a small part of eastern Manitoba. Treaty 3 also provided for rights for the Metis (referred to as "Half-Breeds") and other Ojibway, through a series of adhesions signed over the next year [W.E. Daugherty, Treaty 3 Research Report (1873. Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada, 1985].

It was the third in a series of eleven numbered treaties between the British Crown and North American First Nations. Despite being the third of these treaties it is in fact more historically significant in that its text and terms served as the model for the remainder of the numbered treaties. Treaties 1 and 2 covered a much smaller area and in fact had to be amended to reflect some of the developments arising out of the negotiation of Treaty 3. At the time that it was negotiated it was anticipated that the terms of Treaty 3 would serve as a model for future treaties and would require the amendment of Treaties 1 and 2 [Letter from Minister of the Interior Campbell to Lieutenant-Governor Morris, 5 August 1873, Public Archives of Canada ("PAC"), RG10, vol. 1904].

Treaty 3 has particular historical significance because of the litigation that ensued between the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada over the significance of the treaty and the respective roles of Canada and the Provinces in relation to aboriginal peoples. The first of these cases is the St. Catharines Milling v. The Queen [(1888), 14 App. Cas. 65 (P.C.)] which dealt with the question of the ownership of lands subject to a treaty (a question that was decided in favour of the Province). The second, A.G. (Canada) v. A.G. (Ontario), [[1910] A.C. (P.C.)], dealt with the question of whether or not Ontario had to indemnify Canada for the expenses incurred in negotiating the treaty and the ongoing costs of fulfilling the treaty obligations. Canada lost this case as well with the Supreme Court of Canada and the Privy Council holding that Canada was responsible for Indian affairs and the welfare of Indians and that the treaty had been negotiated to achieve broad national purposes (such as the building of the trans-continental railway) rather than to benefit Ontario. The significance of these decisions is still a matter of discussion in the Canadian courts.

[edit] Signatory First Nations

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The Numbered Treaties

Treaty 1 | Treaty 2 | Treaty 3 | Treaty 4 | Treaty 5 | Treaty 6 | Treaty 7 | Treaty 8 | Treaty 9 | Treaty 10 | Treaty 11