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So, you have stumbled upon my user page.
Let me warn you in advance that I'm extremely new to Wiki; I only started participating in late July 2003. The reason I came here is that I was looking for an outlet for my Harry Potter obsession. I read book five, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , loved it, and now I have no new Harry Potter material to read until JK Rowling comes out with a new book, or at least until the third movie is out.
So, what will I do here? I am a fairly avid writer; there is no need to worry that I'll only be contributing to the Books > Magical section. Some areas in which I have written in the past include web development, computer security, and bioinformatics (these all relate to my job).
I'm also active in some discussion boards around the novels written by Robert Jordan .
As I said, I am very new to this place, so feel free to give me a push in the right direction.