Transmitter Marnach

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The transmitter Marnach is a high power transmission facility for the medium wave frequency 1440 kHz of RTL near Marnach in Luxembourg for transmitting Radio Luxembourg. There are two aerial systems at Marnach, which are chosen depending on the time of day. They are called the day aerial and night aerial.

Day aerial

The day aerial of the transmitter Marnach consists of three guyed steel framework masts, which are insulated against ground. This aerial allows directional radiation toward the area of Rhine-Ruhr and Germany or towards Great Britain. At the end of the eighties this aerial consisted of 5 masts with a height of 105 metres.

Night aerial

The night aerial of the transmitter consists of a 60 metre high guyed steel framework mast which is insulated against ground and a 65 metre high freestanding steel framework tower which is used as reflector.

FM transmissions

Between 1962 and the inaugauration of the radio mast at Hosingen in 1970, Marnach was also a site for FM transmission. On January 17th, 1969 the mast used for FM-transmission collapsed and damaged the transmitter building. After this date a temporary FM antenna was used at Marnach until the inaugauration of the radio mast at Hosingen.

List of masts