Transmisiones bahia del sur

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Transmisiones Bahia del sur (southern bay broadcasting) is an independent internet radio station located in La Serena, Chile. They usually play non mainstream music, they never censor what they say or what their guests say, and of course they never get paid. Mostly their topics are focused on what happens around them, since they are college students and college students are the main listeners, they sometimes refer to national and world issues, sometimes mixed with their own ways of making humour. Their listeners are not all from Chile, people from foreign countries are also following their programs. Some of the people involved in Transmisiones bahia del sur are working on future projects related to distributing music free of charge, and an underground collective more related to the word art than the word money, in their own words. They can be reached at, or at which is their site until they get money to afford a more interesting one.