Transactions Per Second

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In a very generic sense, the term Transactions Per Second refers to the number of atomic actions performed by certain entity per second. In a more restrictied view, the term is usually used by DBMS vendor and user community to refer to the number of database transactions performed per second.

Topics in database management systems (DBMS)view  talk  edit )

Database | Database model | Relational database | Relational model | Relational algebra | Primary key - Foreign key - Surrogate key - Superkey
Database normalization | Referential integrity | Relational DBMS | Distributed DBMS | ACID

Trigger | View | Table | Cursor | Log | Transaction | Index | Stored procedure | Partition

Topics in SQL
Select | Insert | Update | Merge | Delete | Join | Union | Create | Drop
Comparison of syntax

Implementations of database management systems

Types of implementations
Relational | Flat file | Deductive | Dimensional | Hierarchical | Object oriented | Temporal

Apache Derby | Caché | db4o | dBASE | Firebird | Helix database | DB2 | Informix | Ingres | InterBase | Microsoft SQL Server | MySQL | OpenLink Virtuoso | Oracle | PostgreSQL | SQLite | Sybase IQ | Sybase | Teradata | Visual FoxPro | Comparison - relational | Comparison - object-relational

Query language | Query optimizer | Query plan | ODBC | JDBC
List of object-oriented database management systems
List of relational database management systems