Trafford Publishing

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Trafford Publishing is a self-publishing and print on demand publishing company based in Victoria, BC, Canada. The company was founded in 1995 by Bruce Batchelor (CEO and publisher), Marsha Batchelor, Steve Fisher and John Norris. According to Trafford, they were the first company in the world to offer print-on-demand or POD publishing, which means they print shorter runs or even one copy at a time, and they publish over 2% of all newly released North American book titles with more than 300 titles per month by authors from over 100 countries.

In 2005, PROFIT, a Canadian national magazine for entrepreneurs recognized Trafford as one of Canada's fastest growing companies and ranked it in the top 10 businesses.

Many but not all Trafford titles are available on,,,, and some have been converted to e-books and are distributed via


[edit] What Trafford is:

Trafford is a vanity, print-on-demand self-publisher. There are pros and cons to using this type of service. For writers tired of rejection, this may be a viable way to prove their books sell or to have that family memoir published. Authors will pay for a package that will entitle them to a certain number of free books. Depending on the package they purchase, they may or may not qualify for promotion via Amazon, B&N or other internet booksellers.

Although self-publishing is a form of vanity publishing and can be frowned upon by some people, it is wise to remember that many famous writers have self-published, including Mark Twain, John Grisham, Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen, Edgar Allen Poe, T.S. Eliot, Ernest Hemingway, and Deepak Chopra.

[edit] What Trafford isn't:

Trafford is not a traditional publisher. They do not require agents to promote an author or his or her work. They do not require editing, although they highly recommend it. They cannot guarantee an author's book will be ordered by bookstores as most stores require the books to be returnable. Trafford books are non-returnable. Traditional publishing is still the most sought after form of publishing, but can be extremely difficult and seemingly impossible to 'break into'.

Authors who decide to use Trafford must consider the pros and cons carefully, and be prepared to market their book mostly on their own. Trafford does not pay for book tours as some traditional publishers do. And authors will pay for all their own advertising and organize their own events. Publishing through Trafford or any other POD can be accomplished by any writer, but successful, notable authors will achieve top seller or best seller status and may appear on TV, radio, in newspapers and magazines.

[edit] Other print-on-demand companies similar to Trafford

[edit] External link