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Transportation is the word that means Transport in the United States, a large country in North America. It also happens to have once been used for penal transportation. The vast majority of the links here (see What links here) refer to Transport, not Penal transportation. That is why it should be redirected, it what the user expects to find.

One of the good things about encyclopaedias is that users find things they didn't expect to find. Adam 06:13, 25 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Not only that, but a reader interested in penal transportation will only enter "transportation" into the search function, and never find it. I know I wouldn't think of looking under "penal transportation", but only under "transportation" for it. I see what you mean about the links to this page, though. It would be better to go into those articles and change [[transportation]] to [[transport]], [[tranport|transportation]] and [[penal transportation|transportation]] as appropriate, jguk 07:23, 25 Feb 2005 (UTC)
That can be solved by putting a header on the article like - This article refers to transport (the movement of people and goods), for the relocation of prisoners, see penal transportation. dml 14:49, 26 Feb 2005 (UTC)

That all seems rather odd - to have the link to the "penal transportation" page on a page completely unconnected with it. I'd be awfully surprised to type in "transportation" expecting to read about the Tolpuddle Martyrs et al. and be presented with an unrelated subject.

Maybe you could help me correct the links on all the pages listed on "what links here" so that they point to "transport" or "penal transportation" as appropriate (which is what they should do anyway as that's where the main articles are). (If you do help, please start at the bottom, as I'm starting at the top and don't want to be edit conflicted out.) Then the only "problem" would be that North Americans who type "transportation" in the search box have to come through a disambiguation page to get to "transport" - which doesn't seem much of an inconvenience to me, jguk 15:33, 26 Feb 2005 (UTC)

I've completed this exercise now. All links to "transportation" now go directly through to "transport" or "penal transportation" as appropriate, jguk 00:12, 28 Feb 2005 (UTC)