Talk:Transitive reduction

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What about countably infinite graphs? It seems to me that the transitive reduction of the graph of "<" on the integers would be ... 1 -> 2 -> 3 ->... I would argue that it has a minimal number of edges because it has a 1-1 correspondence of edges with vertices, and every vertex needs at least one in-edge and at least one out-edge. Lyonsam 06:25, 19 January 2006 (UTC)

OK, details (with the notation that S is the transitive closure):
  1. If S is antisymmetric, then the reduction is unique, if it exists.
  2. If S is locally finite then the transitive reduction exists. Possibly the locally bounded chain condition would be adequate. (The field (underlying set) of S must be well-ordered for the proof to work, if S is not antisymmetric.)
A transitive binary relation S is locally finite if whenever a S b, {c | a S c S b} is finite.
A transitive binary relation S satisfies the locally bounded chain condition if whenever a S b, the collection of all possible n such that
a S x1, x1 S x2, …, xn−1 S xn, and xn S b, with all xk distinct
is bounded.

Arthur Rubin | (talk) 18:28, 19 January 2006 (UTC)