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Torraque are brutal Ultralisks that have Psionic links to a cerebrate. Because of this, They can reincarnate or be raised from the dead. They appear out of nowhere in front of their cerebrate at full health. If their cerebrate is killed, they cannot reincarnate, therefore become nearly powerless. Torraque do TONS of damage to their opponents, a destructive 50+ ammount of damage, but they are powerless against air units
In Brood War, Episode V (Terrans) during the Final Level you must deal with these monsters. And they're in a "Hidden" Campaign in both StarCraft and Brood War.
I'm pretty sure I saw a Torrasque in Zerg Mission II (campaign VI), and I even rescued him. I noted that in the main article. However, I'm not sure whether it complies whatever format this article should take or not.