Topological divisor of zero

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In mathematics, in a topological algebra A, z\in A is a topological divisor of zero if there exists a neighbourhood U of zero and a net (x_i)_{i\in I} with \forall i\in I, x_i \in A\setminus U and zx_i \longrightarrow O\in A. If the topological algebra is not commutative use left resp. right topological divisor of zero.

[edit] Example

In a Banach algebra (A,\|\cdot\|) with a norm \|\cdot\| an element z is a topological divisor of zero if and only if it there exists a sequence (xn) in A such that \|x_n\|=1 for all n while \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \|z\cdot x_n\| = 0