Tong Meng

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Tong Meng(童猛) is a character in the Water Margin.

Tong Meng was the younger brother of Tong Wei. The Tong brothers made their living by selling salt and both of them were powerful swimmers and boatmen. Tong Meng was thus nicknamed 'River-churning clam'(翻江蜃).

The Tong brothers lived together with Li Jun at Jieyang Mountain. Once, Song Jiang was exiled to Jiangzhou and passed by Jieyang Mountain along the way. He was knocked out by drugs in Li Li's inn, but was saved by Li Jun and the Tong brothers in the end.

Later, Song Jiang offended Mu Chun in Jieyang Town and the Mu brothers were after his life. Song Jiang boarded Zhang Heng's pirate vessel by mistake and in the middle of the river, Zhang tried to force Song Jiang off his vessel. Eventually, Li Jun and the Tong brothers appeared on the scene and rescued Song Jiang once more. After the Liangshan heroes stormed the execution ground in Jiangzhou, they sought refuge in Bailong Temple near the riverbank and were besieged by government troops. Li Jun, the Zhang brothers and the Tong brothers appeared with boats and ferried the Liangshan heroes back to Liangshan safely.

Tong Meng became one of the leaders of the Liangshan navy and part of the 72 Earthly Fiends. After the heroes had obtained amnesty from the emperor, Tong Meng followed the heroes on their campaigns against the Liao Tartars and southern rebels, making great contributions. During the Fang La campaign, Tong Meng followed his brother and Li Jun as they sneaked into Suzhou and aided the Liangshan heroes in conquering Suzhou.

Tong Meng was one of the few lucky surviving heroes after the campaigns and made their way back to the capital city to receive official posts for their contributions. Li Jun and the Tong brothers refused to accept any official post despite their contributions. Li Jun feigned sickness and the Tong brothers remained with Li to 'take care' of him. In the end, it was said that Li and the Tong brothers sailed far out into sea and ended up in Siam. Li Jun became the King of Siam while the Tong brothers became his subjects.

Water Margin characters
Founding Father
Chao Gai
36 Heavenly Spirits
Song Jiang | Lu Junyi | Wu Yong | Gongsun Sheng | Guan Sheng | Lin Chong | Qin Ming | Huyuan Zhuo | Hua Rong | Chai Jin | Li Ying | Zhu Tong | Lu Zhishen | Wu Song | Dong Ping | Zhang Qing | Yang Zhi | Xu Ning | Suo Chao | Dai Zhong | Liu Tang | Li Kui | Shi Jin | Mu Hong | Lei Heng | Li Jun | Ruan Xiaoer | Zhang Heng | Ruan Xiaowu | Zhang Shun | Ruan Xiaoqi | Yang Xiong | Shi Xiu | Xie Zhen | Xie Bao | Yan Qing
72 Earthly Fiends

Zhu Wu | Huang Xin | Sun Li | Xuan Zan | Hao Si-wen | Han Tao | Peng Qi | Shan Ting-gui | Wei Ding-guo | Xiao Rang | Pei Xuan | Ou Peng | Deng Fei | Yan Shun | Yang Lin | Ling Zhen | Jiang Jing | Lu Fang | Guo Sheng | An Dao-quan | Huangfu Duan | Wang Ying | Hu San Niang | Bao Xu | Pan Rui | Kong Ming | Kong Liang | Xiang Chong | Li Gun | Jin Da-jian | Ma Lin | Tong Wei | Tong Meng | Meng Kang | Hou Jian | Chen Da | Yang Chun | Zheng Tian-shou | Tao Zong-wang | Song Qing | Yue He | Gong Wang | Ding De-sun | Mu Chun | Cao Zheng | Song Wan | Du Qian | Xue Yong | Shi En | Li Zhong | Zhou Tong | Tang Long | Du Xing | Zou Yuan | Zou Run | Zhu Gui | Zhu Fu | Cai Fu | Cai Qing | Li Li | Li Yun | Jiao Ting | Shi Yong | Sun Xin | Gu Dasao | Zhang Qing | Sun Er Niang | Wang Ding-liu | Yu Bao-si | Bai Sheng | Shi Qian | Duan Jing-zhu

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