Tomax and Xamot

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Tomax and Xamot Twin Brothers
Tomax and Xamot Twin Brothers

Tomax and Xamot, sometimes called the Crimson Twins or Crimson Guard Commanders, are the code names of identical twin brothers in the G.I. Joe universe and co-leaders of the Crimson Guard, the Cobra Organization's elite troops. They are mirror image twins; Tomax's hair is parted on the right side of his head and Xamot's hair is parted on the left. Even their names are mirror images of one another (spell out "TOMAX" and hold the word up to a mirror to see it read as "XAMOT"). The only other distinguishing mark between the two is the scar that runs down Xamot's left cheek. Tomax and Xamot share an empathic connection. While this is often useful, as it allows them to communicate wordlessly and finish each others sentences, it is also a liability, as they tend to feel each other's pain during fights.

While their origins are top secret, the brothers speak in notable accents were born on an island in the Mediterranean. (Probably Corsica) The brothers served in the French Foreign Legion in Algeria, then as mercenaries in Africa and South America before changing careers and moving into banking, becoming bankers in Zurich, Switzerland. Unhappy with the world of corporate finance, the brothers found the opportunities available in international terrorism far more suited to their abilities and joined Cobra. Within Cobra, their specialties are in infiltration, espionage, sabotage, propaganda and corporate law.

Like the Crimson Guard that they lead, Xamot and Tomax also lead the "respectable" corporate face of Cobra as the owners, CEOs and founders of Extensive Enterprises. When not engaged in terrorism, they efficiently manage Cobra's business affairs in shirt and tie. Their preferred mode of attack is through brains over brawn: using the law to serve the purposes of Cobra. They have covered their paper trail and connection to Cobra so well that it is impossible to connect them to the terrorist organization.

They broker most deals for Cobra, and were in charge of the secret construction of Monolith Base in Badhikstan, but after G.I. Joe raided the base, they fled with Cobra Commander to a cave. There, Red Shadow agent Dela Eden arrived and unleashed gunfire on the group. They later turned up alive, working with the Commander in a smaller, scaled down version of Cobra.

[edit] Cartoon

[edit] A Real American Hero

Tomax and Xamot are first introduced in the 'Pyramid of Darkness' Mini Series, the commanders of the Crimson Guard, as well as the the heads of Extensive Enterprises. Unlike the comics, in which they are the most loyal supporters of Cobra Commander, the Crimson Twins in the cartoon were often trying to seize power for themselves, although they have little support from other Cobra members such as Destro and The Baroness, and their attempts are usually quashed by The Commander. They share a psychic link, and feel one anothers pain, which the Joes use to their advantage several times in battle.

At the beginning of the Second Season, Tomax and Xamot join Dr. Mindbender and Destro in creating Serpentor, having tired of Cobra Commanders failures. But as soon as Serpentor is brought to life, and orders his attack and invasion of the United States, Tomax and Xamot are the first to point out the sheer impossibility of such an attack, their objections are quickly silenced however, when Serpentor begins to throttle them. In G.I Joe: The Movie, they side with Cobra-La and are seen fighting the Joes in the final battle until a huge explosion that destroys all of Cobra-La.

Tomax and Xamot apparently perish in the destruction of Cobra-La, and are not seen again in the DIC produced Third Season. Although their old headquarters, the Extensive Enterprise Building, is seen, and General Hawk mentions that they closed them down. The Building itself is has been abandoned and is being used as a secret Cobra Base.

In the cartoon, Tomax was voiced by Corey Burton and Xamot by Michael Bell.

[edit] Devil's Due G.I. Joe vs Transformers

Tomax and Xamot also appeared in the G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers second mini-series by Devil's Due. In it, Tomax and Xamot had used Cybertronian technology to become (human-looking) cyborgs who, when touched each other, shoot a massive blast. In order to avoid them using that power, Shockwave killed Xamot. Tomax later appeared depressed because of his brother's death.