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[edit] Tlozano, the user...

The current time and date is 04:10, 13 December 2006 (UTC). Tlozano is a Wikipedia user who currently resides somewhere in the middle of nowhere in North America.

An introvert tending not to really care about the fashions of today and tomorrow, she is known locally for her intelligence on many subjects and the fact that she is mainly out of the way, which Tlozano says, " . . . suits her just fine."

[edit] Wikipedia Roles

coming soon

This user enjoys writing.
This user is interested in his or her family history.
This user is interested in religion.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user enjoys jazz music.
This user can't stand hip hop music.
This user is a bibliophile.
^_~ This user is a definite fan of Manga.
^_^ This user reads Manga.
This user maintains a blog.
This user's internet service provider is AOL.
O This user's favourite colour is orange.
This user eats potatoes.
C2H6O-0 This user is a non-drinker.
This user's favourite subject is History.
This user's favourite subject is Latin.
This user is not a pet owner.
This user is interested in religion.

Template:User pro-religion

This user is Roman Catholic.
This user is interested in Theism.
This user believes in intelligent design or creationism.

This user would like to wish you a happy 4th of July.
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let him or her know.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
eo-1 Ĉi tiu uzanto povas komuniki per baza nivelo de Esperanto.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
de-0 Dieser Benutzer hat keine Deutschkenntnisse (oder hat beträchtliche Schwierigkeiten mit der Sprache).
fr-0 Cet utilisateur ne comprend pas le français (ou ne le comprend pas sans grande difficulté).
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
ja-0 この利用者は日本語わかりません(または理解するのがかなり困難です)。
la-1 Hic usor simplice latinitate contribuere potest.
nl-0 Deze gebruiker begrijpt geen Nederlands (of kan het slechts met veel moeite begrijpen).
sv-0 Denna användare saknar kunskaper i svenska (eller behärskar det mycket bristfälligt).
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