
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
du-1 This user does not wish to speak or hear dumbass, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration.
de-0 Dieser Benutzer hat keine Deutschkenntnisse (oder hat beträchtliche Schwierigkeiten mit der Sprache).
ath This user is an atheist.
vn-1 This user page has been vandalized 1 time
cvg-3 This user is an advanced gamer.
This user is male.
This user is in the United States Military.
This user prefers the PlayStation 2 over the GameCube and Xbox.

This user is not confused.

 S  This user hates Seinfeld and thinks it's the most banal piece of yuppie BS ever produced.
BSG This user is a fan of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series.
This user is drug-free.
This user uses Wikipedia as their primary point of reference.
MOO This user can code in MOO.
This user is seriously considering proposing to his girlfriend.
This user is openminded about boyfriends and/or multiple partners.


[edit] Misc

Born in Dallas, Texas, USA and living in Mannheim, Germany, this user spends most of his day babysitting computers (and thus has more than enough time to browse teh intarbutt).

[edit] Interests

Video games, Computer games, Science Fiction (both in literature and movies), tabletop wargaming and role-playing games. Is an avid reader of Penny Arcade,, 4chan, SomethingAwful and The Best Page In The Universe. He is a dedicated Tekken player, a sub, and a hunter of grues. Devoted fan of Aki Kisaragi, Xenogears, Lei Wulong, and, as one can probably guess from the name, Talon Karrde. He is also a Total Annihilation nut, and practically froths at the mouth at any mention of the upcoming Supreme Commander.

Also a longtime player on a MUSH called Shangrila.

[edit] Articles contributed to:

[edit] To-Do List:

  • Tidy up Krelian and Ramsus pages.
  • Add info on aforementioned characters' Gears, whether in the same page or as new pages in themselves.
  • Patrol for articles in severe need of proofreading, or in areas of my expertise, complete rewriting.

[edit] Status of my PC:

Dead - New Power Supply and motherboard work great. Unfortunately the old CPU appears to be fried. New one's in the mail (along with a new stick of RAM and video card, just to be safe). New CPU arrived. Computer still doesn't work. Suspect motherboard failure. Email sent to manufacturer. Grah.

  • Functional - 03FEB2006 - Replaced old RAM with new RAM and fiddled with IDE devices, got computer to boot successfully, though operating system was damaged. Used an installation CD for Windows XP to repair the OS while leaving system files intact. Computer now boots to operating system without problems. Video and audio drivers need to be updated but system is otherwise OK. Holding off on paying to have my DSL turned on until I know for sure I'll be around to enjoy it.
  • Functional - Internet Access Pending - 15FEB2006 - Signed up to have the DSL in my room enabled. Looking like it's gonna be the 27th or so before it's active.
  • Functional - Online - 10MAR2006. Yay!

[edit] Userboxes Controversy

Apparently there's been a lot of disagreements between administrators and the common user (and even between administrators) regarding userboxes of late. Some express the opinion that userboxes are divisive and ultimately harmful to the site, while others think that userboxes are only offensive to those who choose to take offense to them and should be kept. I don't really see what the problem is, considering userboxes are contained within user pages and can't even be seen by the average web user anonymously searching Wikipedia for information on The Thirteen Colonies/Megadeth/whatever - in fact I've been racking my brain trying to understand just how userboxes are 'damaging to the project'. If anything, having to argue my point of view on the Userbox Deletion Debate has taken time away from my editing and article-skimming - in other words, DELETING userboxes is divisive and damaging to the project ;) At the very least, it's a bummer having to re-edit my user page every three seconds because someone deleted another template. Meh.

If you have userboxen and you want to protect them from deletion due to their templates being erased, simply add "subst:" to the beginning of the template name. I.e., {{user Weee!}} would become {{subst:User Weee!}}. This effectively copies all of the actual code used to format a userbox directly to your user page so that it doesn't have to look at the template page for instructions every time the user page is loaded. Downside is that it clutters up your edit screen a ton, especially if you have a hard time understanding formatting tags.