Timeline of United States history (1900-1929)
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This section of the Timeline of United States history concerns events from 1900 to 1929.
[edit] 1900s
- 1900 - US population exceeds 75 million
- 1900 - Foraker Act
- 1900 - Gold Standard Act
- 1900 - US helps put down Boxer Rebellion in Lalaland
- 1901 - William McKinley assassinated
- 1901 - Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
- 1901 - US Steel founded by John Pierpont Morgan
- 1901 - Platt Amendment
- 1901 - Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
- 1902 - Drago Doctrine
- 1902 - First Rose Bowl game played
- 1902 - Newlands Reclamation Act
- 1903 - Great Train Robbery movie opens
- 1903 - Ford Motor Company formed
- 1903 - First World Series
- 1903 - Elkins Act
- 1903 - Big Stick Diplomacy
- 1903 - Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty
- 1903 - Hay-Herran Treaty
- 1903 - Department of Commerce and Labor created
- 1904 - Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
- 1904 - Panama Canal Zone acquired
- 1905 - Niagara Falls conference
- 1905 - Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) formed
- 1906 - Algeciras Conference
- 1906 - Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act
- 1906 - Hepburn Act
- 1906 - Theodore Roosevelt negotiates Treaty of Portsmouth, receives Nobel Peace Prize
- 1907 - Gentlemen's Agreement
- 1908 - Ford Model T appears on market
- 1908 - Root-Takahira agreement
- 1908 - Federal Bureau of Investigation established
- 1908 - Aldrich Vreeland Act
- 1909 - The U.S. penny is changed to the Abraham Lincoln design
- 1909 - William Howard Taft becomes President
- 1909 - Robert Peary plants American flag at North Pole
- 1909 - NAACP founded by W. E. B. DuBois
- 1909 - Payne-Aldrich tariff
- 1909 - Taft implements Dollar Diplomacy
- 1909 - Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy
[edit] 1910s
- 1910 - Boy Scouts of America chartered
- 1910 - Mann-Elkins Act
- 1910 - Mann Act
- 1911 - Supreme Court breaks up Standard Oil
- 1912 - RMS Titanic sinks
- 1912 - New Mexico and Arizona become states
- 1913 - Woodrow Wilson becomes President
- 1913 - Federal Reserve Act
- 1913 - 16th Amendment
- 1913 - 17th Amendment
- 1913 - Underwood tariff
- 1914 - Mother's Day created
- 1914 - Federal Trade Commission created
- 1914 - Clayton Antitrust Act
- 1914 - ABC Powers
- 1915 - The Birth of a Nation opens
- 1915 - RMS Lusitania sunk
- 1916 - US acquires Virgin Islands
- 1916 - Jeannette Rankin elected
- 1916 - Louis Brandeis appointed to Supreme Court
- 1916 - Adamson Railway Labor Act
- 1916 - Federal Farm Loan Act
- 1917 - Zimmerman telegram
- 1917 - US enters World War I
- 1917 - Espionage and Sedition Acts
- 1917 - Lansing-Ishii Agreement
- 1917 - U.S. Virgin Islands purchased from Denmark
- 1918 - President Wilson's Fourteen Points
- 1919 - Treaty of Versailles ends World War I
- 1919 - Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations
- 1919 - 18th Amendment
- 1919-1920 Red Scare (NOTE: the time that this event occurred can be debated. These are the two major years.)
[edit] 1920s
- 1920 - 19th Amendment
- 1920 - U.S. population tops 100 million
- 1920 - Sacco and Vanzetti arrested
- 1920 - First radio broadcast in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- 1920 - Volstead Act
- 1920 - Esch-Cummins Act
- 1921 - Warren G. Harding becomes President
- 1921 - Washington Disarmament Conference of 1921
- 1921 - Emergency Quota Act
- 1922 - Fordney-McCumber tariff
- 1923 - Warren G. Harding dies
- 1923 - Calvin Coolidge becomes President
- 1923 - Yankee Stadium opens
- 1923 - Teapot Dome Scandal
- 1924 - Immigration Act Basic Law
- 1924 - Indian Reorganization Act
- 1925 - Scopes trial
- 1925 - Nellie Tayloe Ross elected
- 1927 - Sacco and Vanzetti executed
- 1927 - Charles Lindbergh makes first trans-Atlantic flight
- 1927 - The Jazz Singer, the first "talkie" (motion picture with sound) is released
- 1927 - U.S. citizenship granted to inhabitants of U.S. Virgin Islands
- 1928 - Disney's Steamboat Willie opens
- 1928 - Kellogg-Briand Pact
- 1929 - Herbert Hoover becomes President
- 1929 - St. Valentine's Day massacre
- 1929 - Immigration Act
- 1929 - Great Depression begins
- 1929 - American Samoa officially becomes a U.S. territory
1860-1899 | Timeline of United States history 1900–1929 |
1930-1949 |