Talk:Time value of money

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I'm not sure TVM should focus primarily default/inflation risk - my edits are an attempt to differentiate how TVM is more than compensation for credit or currency risk. Gary 00:53, 30 September 2005 (UTC)


[edit] Annuity Formula Derivations

Can someone please add the mathematical derivation of the FV_annuity formula from the regular/lump sum FV formula? (Same for the PV formulas). Thanks.

I put the derivation of the PV annuity formula, but think you meant something else. If I understand the question properly, to calculate the future value of an annuity, calculate the present value. Then calculate the future value of that present value. I may put up an example.--Gregalton 20:32, 20 November 2006 (UTC)

Removed the numismatic notice - Time Value of Money has little or nothing to do with the physical manifestation of money. Gary 19:08, 31 July 2006 (UTC)

Putting the text Numismaticnotice here so the bot will not tag it again. Ingrid 17:02, 1 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Revert to previous version, Sept 8, 2006

Your changes were not beneficial. You took away the simple references that the old version had to the formulas. If you want to make a change, do not remove the listings of the various formulas like you did. (This person did not sign)

My version did NOT remove the listings of formulas. Nor did it remove the references to the formulas. I guess you did not bother to spend much time reading it. It was only posted for a few hours before you threw it out. Other viewers should look at the version from Sept 8, 2006 @18.35 Retail Investor 01:24, 9 September 2006 (UTC)
You did not respond saying what exactly I deleted, so I have reverted the page a second time. Retail Investor 20:45, 12 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] P/E calculations should not be here

I personally think the section on P/E should be pasted at the P/E page, not here. I added its mention at the very top so you could make that into a link if you like.Retail Investor 19:22, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for the comments. I have made some changes to this section (that I think got removed or denatured by other edits) to make it more clear why it is here. I still think it is relevant to include on this page, and hopefully the new text will help to establish this. I have frequently encountered the statement that "real world" perpetuities do not exist, but lots of real world cases are essentially perpetuities - P/Es being a case that is frequently encountered by e.g. financial people and retail investors. Although it may be useful to include on the P/E page, I also think it is useful to underline that most investment analysis is underpinned by TVM.--Gregalton 22:06, 23 November 2006 (UTC)
An additional point: someone reverted the text that bonds with bullet payments can be rolled over, and therefore can be modelled as perpetuities. While this is strictly feasible, it seems pointless (we already know how to calculate a bullet-payment bond with considerable accuracy, why duplicate?; to answer my own question, it's a useful shortcut for long maturity securities, but the existence of a shortcut is a different point). It also ignores rollover risk, etc (how much can the new bond place interest at? A bond that is fixed at $x per year forever may have a substantially different value than a floating rate note). For these reasons, I've tried to rephrase to say that lots of "perpetual" investments exist that are not notes, like real estate. --Gregalton 22:06, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Rate of return / discount rate

Some text on the choice of appropriate rate of return has been duplicated through edits. Personal opinion, I think it should go in the top section; grateful other views. It is a frequent problem for those new to TMV to understand what rate should be used, it is central to understanding the issue, and the effect on final results dramatic. That said, if it seems esoteric or technical to some perhaps it should be placed further down.--Gregalton 22:14, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

I deleted the resulting duplicate paragraphs. I left it in the section on "how to do the calculation" and left the top "conceptual". Even though it is important, it is no more so than the other variables. Personally I most often end up solving for the return variable.Retail Investor 18:29, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
Fair enough, I think it reads well. Thanks for the input. I think, however, that the discussion of the Gordon growth model would best go in the section on P/E, not in the formula introduction to growing perpetuities. If I remember correctly, the distinction about the gordon model is dividends vs earnings as "cashflows" (to investors); the underlying math is the same. I am not aware of any other mathematical model for valuing growing perpetuities - there are different models for dealing with uncertainty, and ones where the uncertainty is corrected for by using different models entirely (like "multiple soup"). But where the annuity rate and growth rate are known, this is pretty much the formula; if there are other theories that question the math, I'm not aware (or far more likely, I've forgotten;) Best regards.--Gregalton 19:00, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
My objective was to put up a big red flag about using this calc. In addition to the Div/Earnings distinction, there is the requirement about the discount being greater than the growth (which was in the section I overwrote). But of even greater importance, from my POV, is the probable misunderstanding of how long perpetuity really is. Since most people understand that $100 in 60 years is only worth $1 today, assuming an 8% discount, they will think that any perpetuity over 60 years can be ignored. But for this equation to be true, it often requires hundreds of years of payments. At the 60 year cut off the PV can be only half as much. Couple that issue with the requirement to correctly predict the growth rate over that period, with GREAT exactitude. I put these warnings on the Gordon Model page. I believe the correct calculation has NEXT year's payment as the numerator (*(1+g), but that is not really going to make a difference.Retail Investor 18:02, 28 November 2006 (UTC)
I have moved the comments on the Gordon model to the P/E section. I grant the objections, but think it more appropriately goes here. Contrary to the way it read, there really isn't "another model" for perpetually growing annuities, to the extent they exist - there are modifications/qualifications to account for the fact that few exist in pure, unrisky form. Put differently, if a true perpetuity with a fixed growth rate exists, this is the way it is valued, there is pretty much no debate about that. To deal with your (quite appropriate) comments that they rarely exist, I've qualified the text above quite explicitly. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Gregalton (talkcontribs) 13:19, 3 December 2006 (UTC).

[edit] annuity derivation - new version

This may be a personal issue, but I find the updated derivation of the annuity formula (dated today) much less easy to read for non-specialists. I'll admit to bias, I drafted much of the previous version. Any other opinions?--Gregalton 13:49, 12 December 2006 (UTC)