Tidal range
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The tidal range is the vertical difference between the highest high tide and the lowest low tide. In other words, it is the difference in height between high and low tides. The most extreme tidal range will occur around the time of the full or new moons, when gravity of both the Sun and Moon are pulling the same way (new moon), or exact opposite way (full). This type of tide is known as a spring tide. During neap tides, when the Moon and Sun's vectors make a right angle at the Earth, the difference between high and low tides is smaller.
[edit] Geography
The typical tidal range in the open ocean is about 0.6 metres (2 feet). As you get closer to the coast, however, this range gets much greater. Coastal tidal ranges vary globally and can differ anywhere from 1.8 metres to 3 metres (6–10 feet). The world's biggest tidal differential occurs in the Bay of Fundy in Eastern Canada, where the sea level changes by up to 17 metres (55 feet) during the day. What is generally regarded as the next highest tidal range occurs in the Bristol Channel in the UK, where sea levels change by some 15 metres (49 feet). The smallest tidal ranges occur in the Mediterranean, Baltic, and Caribbean Seas.