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A thyroidologist is a board certified endocrinologist physician, who is either a full time academic, with multiple responsibilities beside thyroid patient care, or a clinical thyroidologist. The clinical thyroidologist is a board certified endocrinologist, who has limited the practice to care for a majority of thyroid patients, with a small number of patients with other endocrine conditions. The major goal is to deliver the best thyroid patient care with the use of the modern tools available. This includes office based thyroid ultrasound, US, US guided FNA, Percutaneous Ethanol Injections PEI, for thyroid cysts, and thyroid cancer lymph nodes. Also, office thyroid nuclear studies and treatments, such as I/123 uptakes, scans, I/131 therapy for cancer, Graves', toxic nodular goiter, and large nontoxic goiters with obstruction. Finally, office based thyroid blood hormone studies, such as T4, T3, TSH, TPO thyroid antibodies, and cancer markers thyroglobulin, TG and Calcitonin, CT. The clinical thyroidologist is usually also a member of academic endocrine societies, such as the Endocrine Society, and the American Thyroid Association, and the American College of Endocrinology. He may be a member of the Academy of Clinical Thyroidologists, recently founded in 2005.

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