Thoroughbred BASIC

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Thoroughbred Basic™ is a derivative of Business Basic marketed by Thoroughbred Software International Inc. Founded in 1982, it was originally a competitor to MAI Basic Four Business Basic and BASIS International BBx.

While some aspects of the language remain true to the original BASIC, much has changed over the years. Thoroughbred Software has continued to develop and extend Thoroughbred Basic™ adapting to new technologies. The syntax supports functions and directives to URL encode/decode strings, open tables on a remote server, automatically trigger a series of updates to a database, read and write over sockets, http methods, process XML requests and more.

In addition to Thoroughbred Basic™ they offer an object oriented development environment, a web based development environment, graphical presentation layers and client/server connectivity. All high level non-procedural languages (Script-IV™, OPENworkshop® and T-Web™) compile to executable basic code and are portable to a variety of operating systems including UNIX, Linux, Windows and Compaq/DEC VMS.

Thoroughbred offers their own database management system based the original Business Basic index and direct key access file types, a native implementaion of C-ISAM/Informix file types and an open-database approach supporting ODBC, Oracle and SQL Servers.

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