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I was born in Louisville, Kentucky on October 12, 1984. I went to Bradley University but I then transferred to Northern Kentucky University.

I am a Public Relations major and a Radio-Television minor. I used to be the sidekick on a late night comedy television show at Northern Kentucky University called The Night Show. However, that show quickly ended and I took over and renamed it The Nightly Show with Daniel Solzman. I ended that show at the end of the semester. I am an on-again and off-again comedian and I did have the honor of hosting my own talk show in the style of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart as Jon Stewart is a major comedic influence on my life. I want to join the list of famous U.S. comedians and the gigantic List of Jewish American show business figures.

Over the summer of 2005, I gave thought to a career in rock music but ultimately went back into politics shortly after the start of the [2005]] fall semester.

As of 2006, I am headed back into politics after entertaining all my options.

Since I am a registered Democrat, I'm supporting Evan Bayh in 2008. I am also a political blogger.

I am a Jewish American as I was born Jewish.

Relevant Links: The Kentucky Democrat
Americans for Bayh (Serving as Draft Bayh Chair)